TEAbuggery on the Border

 Posted by at 12:09 am  Politics
Aug 012014

While this has not played out completely yet, I’ve been following one of the most profound examples of Republican incompetence and hypocrisy we have seen to date, and considering the length of that list, it’s extreme beyond belief.  The GOP could not even pull off a meaningless Kabuki stunt.

0801boehner-sadI don’t think the House leadership intended this to be funny. But it’s pretty funny.

Faced with a rebellion from the right, House Speaker John Boehner a short time ago pulled a bill that would have authorized $659 million in emergency spending to try to deal with the flow of unaccompanied minors across the Mexican border. It was a paltry sum and inadequate to the task, but at least it was a bill. The Democratic-controlled Senate was looking at a $2.7-billion measure. The Obama administration had requested $3.7 billion…

…Boehner was able to get enough House Republicans on Wednesday to vote to sue Obama over his implementation of the Affordable Care Act – which the House keeps trying to repeal – because, the Republicans say, Obama abused his authority by delaying a provision that would penalize businesses if they failed to offer basic healthcare to workers.

So what did Boehner and the rest of the House leadership have to say after they failed to wrangle enough support among their own members to pass a simple spending bill?

“This situation shows the intense concern within our conference – and among the American people – about the need to ensure the security of our borders and the president’s refusal to faithfully execute our laws," they said in a statement [Agent Orange delinked]. "There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <LA Times>

There you have it, the day after voting to sue Obama for acting unilaterally, Agent Orange is blaming Obama for NOT acting unilaterally!!!

Nancy Pelosi commented on Congressional dysfunction.

Here’s a late update from Chris Hayes.

Republicans are huddling behind closed doors, but I’m  certain that the most they will accomplish is a bill so tainted that the Senate won’t touch it.


  12 Responses to “TEAbuggery on the Border”

  1. With Kvin McCarthy as the new Whip, Agent Orange is going to face even more opposition in the days to come. Good thing the House is starting their 5 week vacation soon.


    • Let's be honest here – it was SPEAKER Ted Cruz (R-BS) who scurried from one end of the Capitol to the other to rile up his right-wing racist radicals and put the kibosh on Immigration.

      Wacko Ted "Hard-to-Believe-But-Not-As Wacky-As-My-Fidel-Loving-Dad" Cruz wants to be president SO BAD he'll do anything.

      !mih kcuF

  2. With the assistance of the 1% media people since bama have been taught government is bad. Regardless of the optimism I actually think many more than thought are just fine with this shit. Look at the huge surprize with Cantor. LTFO in Nov. In my small world I hear anti-gunmint comments all the time out of the blue. I find that veeery unusual in that no one – hardly any one over the years said a fucking word in public about the treasonous bush bastards.

    Literally we are helpless. Government can and does work at local levels and a bit at state and we need government. This national arena is something to behold. Not trying to be negative but we are totally screwed here. This will not turn out good. Same as so many things – like how was Irak going to turn out well?  Given the dynamics of national politics in our country there is absolutely no way it will turn out good for "We the People" and that ain't bullshit it's a fact!

    How I hope I am wrong and may the optimists be correct.


  3. Cognitive Dissonance – it's one of the few things repubicans do exceedingly well

  4. Well, I must say, I did think Gloria picchetti (Care2) should have an award for "irony of the day" based on posting "Yesterday I was at a workshop called the Fine Art of Negotiation at the Center for Conflict Resolution. A block away a disgruntled employee shot his boss twice then killed himself."  But this surpasses even that.

  5. The GOP's and the TeaParty's actions are appalling – as are their lies.  They make me despair of humanity.

    (Nancy Pelosi says that the Congress is leaving for the 'August work period' – who believes that the GOP etc are going to work on anything positive to help anyone but themselves in their own narrow rich-boy club?  I am glad to see the Democrats speaking out at last about this lunatic opposition of the Right to anything at all proposed not by them [and as extreme as their insanity dictates].).

  6. Man. The fine art of “Obstruction to Nth Degree” is being displayed by the Agent-Orange-In-Chief. Why they can’t do something, anything, to help just the least of the American people shows what lengths they will go to make President Blackenstien look bad. Their oath to the GOP is stronger than the oath they took to serve their constituency!!!
    Totally useless and bombastic waste of skin!!!

    • Vivian, "help" is a 4 letter word and these good pseudo Christians would not want to use profanity lest they go to hell, another 4 letter word!

  7. "… the day after voting to sue Obama for acting unilaterally, Agent Orange is blaming Obama for NOT acting unilaterally!!!"

    Boehner is driven by his seemingly insatiable and misguided thirst for power!  That, and he is a chickenshit! Boehner tried to do the right thing but even then couldn't do the correct thing.  Me thinks he's running out of political coin.  Evidence?  He runs from the effects of the extremists of his own party by kowtowing to them. And for that, he is yet again Asshole of the Day for 31 July 2014 http://assholeoftheday.us/tagged/asshole-of-the-day .

    I'll bet he is afraid he'll lose his favourite barstool!

  8. Thanks all.  Pit Stop Mode.

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