Jul 172014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 87.  It’s largely a rest day for me, except for cooking, cleaning and the many hours I spend in research and writing.  I am tired from being unable to sleep this morning.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: One Quote From Abraham Lincoln Might Just Surprise You


It’s hard to believe that once, Republicans were the liberal party, not the class warriors for the greediest billionaires that they are today.

From Daily Kos: Boy, Dick Cheney really is determined to caricature himself:

During an event sponsored by Politico, Cheney said the next president needs to "turn around the whole trend" of cutting defense dollars.

"That ought to be our top priority for spending. Not food stamps, not highways or anything else," Cheney said. "Your No. 1 responsibility as president is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. [Obama] is the commander-in-chief and he’s absolutely devastating the United States military today.”

War always was ChickenHawk Cheney’s highest priority, except when he was hiding behind five deferments.

From The New Yorker: A new study released Tuesday indicates that wearing glasses does not make a person look smarter, but standing next to Texas Governor Rick Perry does.

In the study, when participants were shown photos of a person with and without glasses, they registered little or no change in their view of the person’s intelligence.

However, when the photo of the same person was juxtaposed with a photo of Governor Perry, participants suddenly said that the person looked “much smarter” or “brilliant,” with some participants even using the phrase “like a genius.”

While Andy is certainly correct, wouldn’t comparing folks to Crawford Caligula have an even greater effect?




  18 Responses to “Open Thread–7/17/2014”

  1. 3:55 Smellin' the flowers again instead of solving the puzzle.

    • Could it be that Red States are more dangerousz than where they came from?

    • And regardless of what you think about what drove them to be here and whose fault that is, we need to take care of them.”

      Thank you Nameless… 😆

  2. 4:42  Dragging.  Some taxonomists would call these DYCs.  Da**ed Yellow Compositae.  Compositae are so numerous, buth in quantity and species, that it gets tiring.  And yes, there is yellow in the orange/lavender one, at least enough to qualify it as a DYC.

    Upworthy – Oh, no, that's not surprising, that's Lincoln.  What would be surprising would be if Rick Perry (or David Koch) said it.  I would say the shock might kill us – but I don't really think so – and I don't want them to try.

    Daily Kos – Unfortunately, many Republicans who admit he was wrong about Iraq (and there are some) still think he is right about this.  Did everyone see the parody of a Hobby Lobby cross stitch kit touted as a gift for the boss, saying "Freedom is for me, not for thee"?  Apparently they need one as a gift for chicken hawks that says "War is for thee, not for me."

    New Yorker – TC, you are on to something, and I'll bet it would also work with Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Todd Akin,  Sarah Palin, and many others.

    Cartoon – If only there were a strain of Ebola that only Progressives were immune to!  (Not that I really want to see anyone suffer like that.)

  3. An age old truism by Lincoln and proof that Republicans reject History as well as Science.

  4. Puzzle — 3:04  Tip toeing through the posies!

    Upworthy — Amen Mr Lincoln!  I'll bet Lincoln is rolling in his grave with the actions (and inactions) of the current crop of Republicanus/Teabagger trolls.

    Daily Kos — Obviously, Cheney does not understand the meaning of "support and defend the Constitution of the United States".  The constitution was written for the people of the US, not the corporations of the US.  And despite the ruling of the 5 Injustices of SCOTUS, corporations are not people and money is not free speech.  Cheney has dollar signs for eyeballs!

    At the same meeting, a protester was there to arrest Cheney.  Right after the protester rose and started calling out, the C-SPAN feed was interrupted.  The claim is that C-SPAN had a technical problem.  My thought is that with the momentary time delay of broadcasts, C-SPAN chose to shut down the protester, but of course I have no proof.


    The New Yorker — Women are told that by wearing classes and shoing up their sleeves, they are perceived as being smarter.  Women standing next to Perry, or Crawford Caligula for that matter, don't have to go to that effort.  Hell a flea next to these two looks and is more intelligent!


    Cartoon — Ah, Inspector Goosestep!  I was explaining the word "conspiracy" the other day to my physiotherapist who is from Iran and learning English.  This would have been an excellent example.  Instead I used Benghazi.

    • I don 't think you need proof for that one.  It'l like proving where the wind came from during a tornado.

      Another example would have been to show your friend video of McConJob singing "Bomb, Bomb Iran".

    • War Criminal… About that time, someone in the audience began to yell that Dick Cheney was a “war criminal,” which caused Lynne Cheney to chuckle.

  5. Upworthy:  This Republican would not belong to today's Republican party, he would be ashamed of it. 

    Daily Kos:  So what else is new?  All Cheney did for 8 years was promote war so his company could make astronomical profits.  I wish he would go back to Wyoming and ranch, and shut up.  Maybe he could take SCarah Palin with him.

    The New Yorker.  I always love Andy, but I think your last sentence tops him!  Crawford Caligula is so apropro.

    Cartoon:  Love Mr. Goosestep

  6. Thanks Edie.  GOPmerde inspires Inspector Goosestep!! 🙂

  7. New Yorker ~ I want my picture taken standing the 2 of them. MENSA will be calling me.

  8. 4:27 – Puzzle 😆

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