Jul 042014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 74, having just returned from running errands this morning.  I hope you are all avoiding the hurricane, talking care on the roads, and enjoying the holiday weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:’

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Parenting is not for the weak. Most have heard their parents’ courageous stories, but none of that truly makes sense until you have kids of your own. Here’s a beautiful story about a family that redefines what it means to love with courage. One word for the end: heartbreaking.

I was under the impression that Europe had left the US far back in their wake when it comes to equal rights. I’m sad to learn that is not the case.

From The New Yorker: Telling Congress, “It’s O.K., I don’t mind doing everything myself,” President Obama prepared to sign a passive-aggressive executive order on Tuesday.

While the President did not disclose details about the executive order, he told reporters, “I’m sure Congress is busy with a lot of other things and doesn’t want to be bothered with stuff that’s important to me. Really, they shouldn’t give it a moment’s thought. I’m happy to do the work of the entire government myself.”

After news of the President’s passive-aggressive executive order reached Capitol Hill, House Speaker John Boehner prepared a narcissistic reply.

“Instead of signing more executive orders, President Obama needs to recognize that everything that happens in this government must begin and end with me,” he said.

Andy is edging close to the dividing line between satire and reporting news.

From Daily Kos: The chairman of the MFCR (Mississippi Federation of College Republicans), Evan Alvarez, has opted not only to leave his position as College GOP Chairman this week, but he is joining the Republican party’s arch enemy – the Democrats. In a publicly released letter, Alvarez outlines the reasons behind his decision:

I over the last 48 hours or so, I have been in deep thought about the future of MFCR and of the Republican Party. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to be the leader of the Mississippi Federation of College Republicans. I refuse to simply let people break the rules and think they don’t have to answer for their actions, admit they were wrong, or even apologize. When I ran for Chairman in the spring, I ran to be Chairman of the Mississippi Federation of College REPUBLICANS, not the Mississippi Federation of College "Tea Partiers". Also, I believe that the Republican Party has allowed these groups of extremist to have too much of a voice and because of that, the platform of the Republican Party has shifted too far to the right in my opinion. For example, the drastic cuts on needed federal funding that these groups of Republican extremists support would leave society weak and crippled. [emphasis original]

Click through for the rest of what this hero had to say. Kudos and welcome to the world of the sane, Mr. Alvarez. I trust you will be much less conflicted here.




  15 Responses to “Open Thread–7/4/2014”

  1. 2:59 Purrrr.

  2. Good grief – if I hadn't read it here, I wouldn't have believed it TC, but there is/was a Republican with some standards – and he is now a Democrat (sensible man!). Well done on day 74 TC.   Happy Holiday Weekend everyone!


  3. Love this pithy Tweet from Pres. Obama as his reaction to Hobby Lobby.  (PBO – More like this, please!)


  4. 5:07 Nice kitty.

    Upworthy – Sad anywhere.  But I applaud the courage with which they are living, and the joy they share despite the attitudes around them.

    The New Yorker – The day Bouhner announced he was filing a lawsuit was the biggest fundraising day the Democrats have had in recorded history.  So of course he is welcome to make such an announcement any time.  The only worrisome thing about executve orders is that they are kind of vulnerable – to Congress (not that I worry about this Congress), to succeeding Presidents, etc.

    Daily Kos – I did see this in Daily Kos, and read down a little, and found this in the comments:
     What I liked about this story was the predictable response from the Republican Party published in The Blaze:
    “As chair of the [College Republican National Committee (CNRC)], some would expect I would be disappointed by today’s news,” CNRC Chairwoman Alex Smith told the Daily Caller. “I am not.”
    Smith said, “This defection was based on self-interest, not principle,” and added, “Mr. Alvarez will feel increasingly lonely in a party that is hemorrhaging young voters because of President Obama’s and Democrats’ extreme left wing agenda that is crippling our generation.”
    As you would expect, they declined to print Alvarez's letter – that would have required far too much spin so they ignored it instead!

    Cartoon – Great portrait of Republican supply-side Jesus.

  5. Puzzle — 3:16  My pussy cat has too much cattitude which slowed her down!

    Upworthy — I think it wonderful that a child, any child, can have two loving parents.  What is heartbreaking is that all families are not treated equally.  The African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child", is so true.  And that village is made up of men, women, old and young.  So why are two men not recognised as parents to this little girl?  All one needs is love!

    The New Yorker — Isn't that the truth!  The only accomplishment of this do nothing Congress is the obstruction of Mr Obama and the American people.  As I thought of the current situation and Boehner's law suit, it occurred to me that in order to get anywhere, Boehner would have to impeach Obama and then Biden who would take over from Obama were he successfully impeached.  That way, as I undeerstand things, he would become president pro tem.  Is that correct TC?

    Daily Kos — Congrats to Alvarez for leaving the land that time forgot . . . the land of InsaniTea.

    Cartoon — Or to put it another way "Welcome to the land of InsaniTea where hate, bigotry and greed reign supreme.  I, pseudo Jesus, will be your guide."

  6. I hope you had a good holiday.  I spent the day working outside, my favorite thing, and the evening with  my family, my other favorite thing.

    Upworthy:  Family means a lot of different things, mainly, those you love and care for, whether they be blood relatives, friends, people you care about.  I will never understand the unwillingness to accept that all families are different, love is the common bond.

    The New Yorker:  You are right, Andy is reporting news. When Agent Orange decided to file a lawsuit agains the Prez for using his executive privilege, we went from satire to comedy.

    Daily Kos: I have much respect for this young man. He used his intelligence wisely.

    Cartoon:  In my opinion, that is the only way you could subscribe to either the Republican party as it is now, or the Tea Party. 



  7. Thanks and kudos to all!

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