Jun 252014

Day 85.  I’m writing for tomorrow and trying to get some extra rest, because Thursday is a a prison volunteer day, and tomorrow is a grocery delivery day.  I’m still sore all over from all the cleaning.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:47).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren was interviewed by Chris Matthews this past Thursday, and after watching that interview, one must admit this woman has the fire in her belly to really get things done. Her populist message sounds fresh, her delivery indicates persistence and she seems to have the perseverance of President Obama presented in a much less compromising and Ivy League manner.

As Hillary Clinton’s numbers slip off the pedestal, Elizabeth Warren’s numbers are sure to climb, given her obvious passion. Whether she runs for president or not no longer seems important: Her message and delivery will force Hillary Clinton and any potential Democratic primary challengers to stay with a middle-class centric message. The attempt at timid triangulation in the hopes that a perceived Republican lite tilt will bring a sect of the population tolerant of the controlling elite will be mitigated.

Chris Matthews raised many good middle-class points in his interview. He shares the frustration of every liberal: Why isn’t more being done? Why aren’t we building things? Why don’t we have the smell of pouring cement in a nation where the infrastructure is crumbling? Where is the hope for the unemployed and underemployed white guy in Scranton and the prospect of a job for that black kid wanting to work? Where is equal access to health care and education that form the platform from which upward mobility is launched? Where are research programs that ensure there is a pipeline of projects to feed an economy with ideas and prospects for progress and employment?

Elizabeth Warren by ewillies

Warren’s answer to those questions is crystal clear. Most Democrats are trying to do those very things. Republicans have just enough power to prevent it. She should add that frustrated lefties who vote for third party candidates, who cannot win, are blindly and unintentionally helping Republicans keep Democrats from passing such measures.

Also from Daily Kos: Last nigh t[Friday], Bill Maher had a New Rule on how we simply cannot change Iraq.


All I have to add is laughter.

From NY Times: Tom Tancredo, the firebrand former congressman, Harley-Davidson biker and perennial headache for Colorado’s Republican leaders, was taking fire from all sides last week in the final days of his primary campaign for governor. His rivals were slamming him on the airwaves. Moderate Republicans were warning that Mr. Tancredo’s name on the ballot could doom their chances in crucial races across this swing state.

My hopes are not high, but I’d love to see that damn racist win this one and become a turnout machined for Colorado Democrats in November.




  14 Responses to “Open Thread–6/25/2014”

  1. OOPS!

    Psssttt – Unless you're using a new numbering system, I don't think you can jump "Day 64" yesterday to "Day 85" today.  (And why am I up at this ungodly hour?  Suffice it to say, atrial fib is not my favorite thing …)

  2. 4:39 (Average down to 4:42.  YOU lowered it, TC, I'll bet.) Computer still retrograde.

    Daily Kos – Damn right we blame the Republicans!  As should anyone who is paying attention (sigh)!  Now.  I do see Hillary winning if she runs.  I don't know about Elizabeth.  Sure, she would be a better President than Hillary, but when did elections ever work that way?  Does anyone know, in Massachisetts, do you have to resign your Senate seat to run for President?  I do know the states handle that differently but I don't remember which way Massachusetts swings.  But I do know that what we DON'T want is for Elizabeth to resign her Senate seat to run, lose, and never be heard from again.

    Daily Kos II – Very funny indeed, and excellent analogy.  Repulican co-dependency.  TeeHee.

    NY Times – I would have loved Tancredo too, but alas, it's Beauprez.  Sure glad the incumbent is a Democrat.  Incidentally, in Mississippi, Cochran did win, but McDaniel won't concede.  http://www.dailykos.com/blog/elections  More analysis at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/06/25/1309403/-MS-SEN-Mixed-Feelings-About-Cochran-s-Win very closely considered).

    Cartoon – Isn't that the truth – and exactly why McDaniel is claiming there weren't enough of them.

  3. KOS II: You can view Maher here at this link: 

    Bill Maher – New Rule – Iraq Not Some Bad Boy You Can Just Magically Change – 6-20-14 


  4. 4:01 I have to stop smelling the flowers and just concentrate on solving the puzzzle.

  5. Headlines [1] You don't see everyday … [2] But wish you did

    [1] Giant Vagina Sculpture Traps US Student in Germany [Some of the Comments at Link below are hilarious]


    2] British Ban Teaching Creationism As Science, Should The U.S. Do The Same?



  6. Daily Kos ~ We have to win control of the House and keep control of the Senate this year. Any TeapublicanT in office is a hinderance to this country.

    Daily Kos 2 ~ Billl is right as usual, Iraq will never change. He does make us laugh while stating the ugly truths of life.

    NY Times ~ I guess  the TeapublicanTs who voted were afraid to have him run.

    Cartoon ~ Is that Tom Tancredo under one of those sheets?


  7. Puzzle — 3:12  I just could not catch Ferdinand with that flower in his teeth!

    Daily Kos — I dare say that if the Democrats can take control of the House and keep control of the Senate, things will start to change and people will notice a positive difference.  The Congress will go from the "do nothing Congress" to the "get stuff done Congress".  People have to remember that that it won't be done over night though. That expectation of "instant progress" will only serve to fuel Republicanus/Teabaggers to be destructive rabble rousers, even more so than today.  All the planning and activity seems to be short term, but there needs to be a long term plan that can be eaten like a cookie so that progress towards goals can be measured and visualised.

    Daily Kos (Part 2) — Bill is right, Iraq won't change.  But I have a question , will the US ever change its thing on being the world's policeman?  Seems so co-dependency going on!

    NY Times — "My hopes are not high, but I’d love to see that damn racist win this one and become a turnout machined for Colorado Democrats in November." — This guy seems to like changing political parties.  Someone that fickle need not apply for the job.

    Cartoon — It galls me that people might be able to bring their guns to the polling stations.  That is overt intimidation.  This is what happens in other (3rd world) countries when trying to influence the vote.  Is the US slipping into 3rd world status politically?

  8. TC, I hope you got some rest.

    Daily Kos:  If everyone would listen to Warren and Sanders and ACT on what they propose this country would be on its way to prosperity for all again.  There are not enough people in the Senate or the House with their guts to keep pounding away at the nonsense the Republicans keep spewing.  I am still having trouble with Youtube, so couldn't hear Maher. They keep telling mehow to fix it, still not getting sound.

    NY Times;;  I agree with you on this one!

    Cartoon:  So apt!  Love it.


  9. Thanks all.  Rushing!

  10. TY TC.

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