Jun 232014

Every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, every week they push the the envelope on just how despicable InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it when I tell you that last week was no exception.


Erick Erickson defends anti-gay remark even Rick Perry knows to distance himself from.

Last week, Texas Governor Rick Perry acknowledged he “stepped right in it” when he compared homosexuality to alcoholism. Unlike the aforementioned Cheney Monster, Perry seems to have thought better of something he said and realized on some tiny little pea-brained level the error of his ways.

The problem is that once these idiotic thoughts hit the cold airwaves of reality they take on a life of their own among the other nutcases, and so on Friday, RedState.com founder and Fox News contributor Erick Erickson wrote a column agreeing that homosexuality is a disorder like addiction or alcoholism that sufferers must “struggle” to “overcome,” Media Matters reported.

“I largely agree with Governor Rick Perry and appreciate him speaking up,” Erickson said, perhaps unaware that Perry had retracted his statement.

“Whether one is born gay or not does not mean God made a person gay,” Erickson said.  “And whether it is the unrepentant alcoholic, homosexual, adulterer, liar, or any of the others the Duck Commander listed, none are going to be saved on the last day without repenting.”

So repent, yee sinners repent. Be holy and homophobic like your brothers on ‘Duck Dynasty.’ The kingdom of heaven will open its pearly gates to those who hate the ones who love differently…

Inserted from <Alternet>

This is just one of six despicable Republican Outrages from last week.  Click through for the other five.


  6 Responses to “Last Week’s Despicable Republican Outrages”

  1. And the Republicanus/Teabagger beat goes on . . . and on . . . and on . . . and on . . . ad nauseam!  Just when you think you've seen the depths of stupidity and depravity from the GOP, they prove that they can sink lower, again!  There is a great need to fight the pollution that these idiots spew!

  2. There are so many this week.  George Will.  He's 73.  Could he have Alzheimer's?  Because, though he was always wrong-headed, he was not always outrageous.  One of the thinks that occurred to me while reading his column was, TC, I think it was you who made a comment about how idiotic medical doctors in Congress can be. But if medical schools have been recruiting rapists (as long as they don't get charged), this could be an explanation.  Kinda makes you want to think twice before going to a doctor, doesn't it, ladies?  And law school – no wonder the legal profession has a poor reputation.

    Cheney – "The arsonists want to know why you haven't put out the fire yet."

    Erick Erickson is no Erik Erikson.  I'll bet he thinks he is, though.

    Meadows – Sorry, I'm speechless.  Today.

    Trump – That rat in the cartoon on Open thread – that's not his hairpiece, is it?

    Steve King – I realize when we are talking about Republicans, especially Tea Party Republicans it is not a given, but it would be nice if a Congressional Representative knew something about the law.  Removing trademark protection (correctly, from a name and logo that are racial slurs) does NOT mean they can't use them.  It just means that in case of piracy (which could happen even with something so despicable if there is money to be made – greedy people don't care about something being despicable) you don't get the power and resources of the government backing you to protect you.  You are on your own.  Yes, this is a blow, but it does not prevent Dan Snyder from hanging on to the filth.  It's not a dictatorial decision.  It's "Call it what you like, but the taxpayers aren't going to pay for it any longer."

  3. I think Rep. Steve King (R) of Iowa takes the cake and shoud win this week's special White Coat award for saying this ~ "Obama raids Redskins by weaponizing USPTO. Cancels Redskins logo! Free people will not tolerate a Kim Jong POTUS."

    Lock him up in a rubber room and throw away the key. Please!

  4. A shock! A very revolting photo.

    Ted Crud, a Hahvaad graduate, and Sarah Palinsane, a barely literate graduate from several JCs, together, in the same photo op… 

    Ted still owes the people of US 24 billon dollars.

  5. I am absolutely going to have to read these posts earlier, I get so angry at the imbeciles who are polluting our airways, print, and congress, that I go to bed seething. Each and every one of those listed in the Alternet article need to be deported to a desert island with only themselves, and a full vegan diet until they learn to be people.  George Will has gone from being a respected columnist to a crazy old man. Trump has never had an excuse for his thoughts, still don't understand how he got so rich. 

  6. Thanks all.  Overslept.  Hugs!

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