May 192014

I’m writing for tomorrow and enjoying another lazy day, except for some house cleaning, although my extended late night car nap last night is interfering with sleep today.  I hope you  had a great weekend and are ready to survive Monday.  Day 28.

Jig Zone:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: RotaCare Tacoma, a free clinic serving some 150 people with chronic, serious illnesses like diabetes and hypertension in Washington state, closed its doors in January. This clinic closing, though, was a cause for celebration.

ObamaCare is working for people. RepubliCare worked for the grim reaper.

From Alternet: N.H. police chief calls Obama the n-word, refuses to apologize saying he meets his "criteria for such.”

Another week, another revolting old white racist raises his lizard-like head. Sometimes two a week. Donald Sterling hasn’t even exited the stage yet, when along comes a police chief in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, who was overheard calling President Obama the “effen n-word.” When residents demanded a retraction and his resignation, by golly, 82-year-old Robert Copeland up and refused.

His answer was this:

"I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse [sic]" Copeland wrote in an email to the residents, as quoted by local TV-station WMUR. "For this, I do not apologize—he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

Chased down by a crowd and a reporter after the meeting demanding his head, Copeland called the reporter a “skunk.”

Wolfeboro has 6,300 residents, and 6,280 of them are white, including, coincidentally, Mitt Romney, who has one of his summer homes there.

Soon, no doubt, Copeland will go on the interview circuit to declare he is not a “racist” because he does after all have “criteria” for calling blacks racist terms, and also he is not a “skunkist.”

This is just one of the nine vilest Republican moments from last week alone. Click through for the other eight. Republicans are "skunkist" by definition.  I bet Little Lord Willard helped him get elected.

From Right Wing Watch: Operation American Spring took place today as Tea Party-inspired organizers gathered for a “gigantic, massive rally” of up to “30 million people” who claimed they will not leave Washington D.C. until President Obama resigns from office or is forced out in a coup.

The event followed in the footsteps of other right-wing demonstrations that likewise aimed to flood the capital with millions of supporters and disrupt commerce until Obama was ousted, only this time rally organizers guaranteed that a “verified” minimum of 10 million people would show up.

Attendees took turns speaking to the crowd, including one man from New Hampshire who said it was a “disgrace” that “only “four or five hundred people showed up” (by our count, just over one hundred people were present).

Just like Rove Rat on election day!!




  16 Responses to “Open Thread–5/19/2014”

  1. Alternet – Copeland is a disgrace to humanity – and I love the thought that he will soon be denying that he is 'skunkist'!  I notice Rmoney is in his constituency – sounds as though they might be soul mates.

    Right Wing Watch – I have been reading the Daily Kos and one commentator there said he/she had used a gadget to count the people in the photo on the '30 million' march – and that there were 300.- ie a ten thousandth of a per cent of the projected numbers if I remember rightly (sorry – am too ill to check).  If only people voted like that!

    TC, if your body consistently wants to sleep at a certain time, I think you are right to listen to it.


  2. 4:42 (average up to 5:20)  Very pretty indeed.  I am strogly drawn to the color combination of violet and green.

    Daily Kos – I did read this.  It is such an unusual event in the US that it ought to make headlines in ll medis.  But I'll bet no one heard about it on Fox.

    Alternet – Mr. Copeland would no doubt be amazed at the words for which he meets my criteria.  I won't go into detail.  I should note I guess that at least a couple refer to parentage, as much out of one's personal control as the color of one's skin.  Republicans are opposed to and want to eradicate all wildlife, not just skunks.  BTW, if Willard is in the constituency (i.e. votes) everywhere he owns a home, we ought to be able to lock him up for voter fraud.

    RWW – The saddest part about this is that it will not even suggest to them for an instant that people don't agree with them – let alone that they might be (horrors!) WRONG!  No, the problem is al the lazy-ass people who won't show up.

    Cartoon – Kennedy was a womanizer, but there was a lot more to him than that.  The whole "Camelot" atmosphere was glamourous also, and there were many, many good brains working together on trying to make things better.  Marilyn was known for many things, but self-esteem was not one of them, and she would have been astonished to hear she had wit.  This is one of those stories that makes me wonder what the stuff people do in their bedrooms has to do with their ability.

  3. 3:13 When TC is rested he gets lazy and takes time to smell the flowers.

  4. Daily Kos ~ I keep reading snippets of clinics closing all over because the people don't need them any more. it is indeed cause for celebration. ObamaCare works!

    Alternet ~ They had a wonderful parade of idiots this week. They all try to outshine the other to be put on the list I think.

    Right Wing Watch ~ I reead that about 10 people protested outside the White House. I saw the pictures of them sitting around holding signs. The march consisted of a little less than 200 people. Oh well. the best laid plans of mice and men…

    Cartoon ~ A momentous day. Marilyn really put her heart into singing for him. Didn't she?

  5. (by our count, just over one hundred people were present).

    I viewed less than 30… 😳

    5:03 – Puzzle 😆


    • Happy Birthday President Obama…

      • Richard, Obama's birthday is 04 August.  JFK's was 29 May and MM sang HB to him.

        • Thank you for the correction Lynn… Sometimes I need help as I suffered from a TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury more than a dozen years ago…

          • I did not know that Richard.  Thank you for sharing.  Stay well my friend and be kind to yourself.

  6. Puzzle — 3:03  Gorgeous flowers.  I have decided to put in a garden this year and purchased 10 lavender plants.  Now I just have to get rid of all the rocks and weeds in the area and plant them.  I hope they take over the whole area.

    Daily Kos — If you let the ACA work as it is supposed to, then people benefit.  It isn't perfect, but it is a damn sight better than Republicare, the prescription for death.

    "The clinic helped their patients obtain coverage through Obamacare, arranged for community clinics to see the undocumented workers they treated, and then set their patients up with three months of prescriptions and said goodbye. Happily. Because that was what Obamacare was supposed to do."

    Republicanus/Teabnaggers are just jealous that they can't "kill" more people with for-profit medical care.

    Alternet — Make a few word substitutions and this sentence fits.  Substitute the following for Rove: Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Marco Rubio, 82 year old Robert Copeland, Rep. Paul Ray (R-Utah), and obnoxious Bill O’Reilly just to name a few. 

    "…Rove may have suffered some brain damage himself, possibly a rare condition called “coprocephalus,” or as Colbert helpfully translated, “shit for brains.”"

    Yes "coprocephalus" is rampant among the Republicanus/Teabaggers.

    Right Wing Watch — "…who claimed they will not leave Washington D.C. until President Obama resigns from office or is forced out in a coup."  I wonder if these idiots, who obviously suffer from "coprocephalus", know that they are guilty of sedition in calling for the ouster of Mr Obama?

    Cartoon — The "Mr President", JFK, would be almost 97 years old were he still alive.

  7. Daily Kos:  Now that it is working, you can bet the Republicans will start calling it the ACA instead of Obamacare.

    Alternet:  I clicked through, now I want to barf.  Yes, Virginia, there are racists in the North, too!

    Right Wind Watch:  I decided to leave my typo, they are full of wind. Hilarious how well their march went.

    Cartoon:  Marilyn had no idea she was making history, did she?  Loved her, and loved JFk.

  8. Thanks all.

    In her day, Marilyn was considered the ultimate in sexy, but the ad industry has made the so-called ideal so impossible to attain that Marilyn would be today's before pic in a Jenny Craig ad.  It sad.  When touching a woman, one should feel more than just bones.

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