May 162014

I’m writing for tomorrow on what turned out to be a pretty busy day, because it turns out I have more paperwork to do do for the OSP specific part of my prison volunteer certification.  Nevertheless, there was still time to research and write.  Day 25.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:43 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: These fine folks had the brilliant idea to quantify peace and rank all the countries in the world. Unfortunately, the United States isn’t doing so hot right now. We’re — you guessed it — 99th out of the 162 countries on the list. How do we fix that? Take a look, and make sure to stick around until 2:01, when they explain why this list isn’t just an exercise but could really change the way we think about minimizing conflict and achieving real world peace.


I’m surprised we’re that high on the list. Note that all the factors the video makers say are needed for peace are high on the list of things Republicans oppose.

From Daily Kos: Noted Ohio politics and Iraq WMD expert Karl Rove has a new smear: That Hillary Clinton spent 30 days in the hospital at the end of 2012 and upon her release in January, 2013, she was "wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury."

First of all, she didn’t spend 30 days in the hospital. It was four.

Second of all, if those glasses she was wearing are sign of brain damage, then the truth is even worse than Dr. Rove could possibly have imagined.

The article goes on to show many pictures of Hillary in the same glasses going back years. On the other hand, what does this pic of Karl Rove (R-Hell) say about him?


From The New Yorker: A delegation of conservative members of Congress paid a visit to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet melt today to witness firsthand what one of them called “the most beautiful expression of the free market I’ve ever seen.”

The author of that remark, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), said that he was awestruck after watching gigantic chunks of glacier disintegrate and crash to the sea.

“Every schoolchild in America needs to see this,” he said. “This is the free market at work in the way that God and Ayn Rand intended.”

Rep. Ryan said that watching the now-unstoppable Ice Sheet melt in action reaffirmed his belief in “the glory and might of free-market forces.”

Andy’s satire may well be prophetic. If Republicans ever do admit that global climate change is real, this is the form it will take.




  18 Responses to “Open Thread–5/16/2014”

  1. Time :  4:16

    The US was born from the violence of revolution and has continued that violence through it's history.  Peace to most Americans is just a word, the way to obtain peace is by smashing, grabbing, bombing and in the process spreading democracy.  Democracy is not a disease and does not spread.  In the process we have managed to abuse other countries by encouraging corporations in their quest of resources, by using economic terrorism. Could we, do we wish to change that about this country?  If so we need to begin soon, before the sands in hour glass have passed us by. Is it really necessary to make everyone an enemy?

    Karl Rove gives us words to live by:  "Tell a lie often enough and it becomes: Politics".  He dropped his suggestion, knowing it was not true, but would get him on every talk show where the topic of his comment would be discussed while he doesn't have to do much more.  He planted an idea, the idea is being yapped about and the idea of the lie grows and grows.   Never dismiss this man as being stupid, he knows exactly what he is doing and crafts his messages very well.  Rove is a student of Machiavelli. The more the democrats or anyone tries to dull his message the more it grows.  If Hilary said, she did have a TBI but has fully recovered, she would still hiding something, the idea like a seed has been planted.

    Benghazi, a relatively unimportant incident that although it did cost the lives of four people in the scheme of incidents in our embassies and consulates, was rather minor.  There was no huge group of armed soldier waiting for Obama to give the word, that again is not important.  Concoct a lie from something real, repeat a few times, twist into a conspiracy and soon people are asking the non-questions.  Works like greased lightening.  

    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”  – George Carlin

    Andy is a sharp as ever and still allows me to laugh at the absurd things all around us.

    Back when I was in college and studying earth science, I asked a professor about how quickly climate might affect the Antarctica ice sheet. The evidence suggested that Antarctica would not be affected for at least a hundred years.  The strong consensus was that no country would allow temperature to increase to that level.  The worst thing that climate scientists have done is to over estimate the power of knowledge and the desire of humans to use knowledge.  One professor, who had studied in Antarctica, said, "If there comes a day when huge sheets of glaciation slip from Antarctica, put your between your legs and kiss your sweet ass good-bye."   That day is here.

    Thanks TC, busy these days and feeling chipper with that A/C?

  2. 4:42, just barely under the raised average of 4:44.  Did they get this pic from St. Clements?

    Upworthy – I don't want to make too much of this, but I thought it was amusing that the top three most peaceful were island nations.  Wouldn't that make it easier to get along with your neighbors – not being too close to them?  After that, there are two landlocked nations, but number 6 is Japan.  Of course it proves nothing.

    Daily Kos – Foster Grants are a prescription item?  Who knew?  I did know Rove was a Turd Blossom, though.  And that is what his FRIENDS call him.   Oh, and that he doesn't have any kind of a doctorate.  I will admit that scared me, thinking of Rand Paul and some other Repblican medically educated idiots.

    New Yorker – "If Republicans ever do admit that global climate change is real, this is the form it will take."  Boy, ain't THAT the truth.

    Cartoon – And apparently time travel.  That was more than 13 years before the four-day hospital stay.

  3. In reference to misstexaskitty's “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”  – George Carlin… Here is the YouTube video of George Carlin's "Stupid People". Have a good laugh.



  4. Rove only exaggerated by a factor of seven point five together with a whopping lie – he seems to be slipping!

    Andy's satire is again too close to the truth for me – yikes!

    Upworthy – a salutary article and clip – and I looked for all sorts of countries there in the first hundred – it was fascinating to look at the list!

    (Thanks for the Carlin clip, Jim, – there are a regrettably large number of people in his last category – and most of them are in power on the Right – all over the world!).


  5. 3:17 I think we have a turbo-charged TC on our hands like that cat that went after the dog when it attacked the little boy the other day.

  6. Upworthy ~ The problem TeapublicanTs have with Peace is that it doesn't make money for the Military-Industrial complex, which in turn rewards them very well.

    Daily Kos ~ Bill Clinton didn't like Karl's comments too very well.

    New Yorker ~ Too bad they didn't really go on that ittle excursion. The glacier might have taken them with it.

    Cartoon ~ Even if she did have any brain damage, she still has more on the ball than most in D.C.

  7. UPworthy:  As long as the munitions makers and war profiteers control our Congress, we will never really be a peaceful nation.

    Daily Kos:  I wish Rove would go work for Putin.  They have the same values.

    The New Yorker:  Sometimes Andy is prophetic!

    Cartoon:  They truly wish she were brain damaged. She has more intellect than their whole party.

  8. Puzzle — 3:08  Turbo charged indeed!  If we don't stop his winning streak now, we'll never hear the end of it!

    Upworthy — Here is the actual report published on Vision of Humanity's website.

    "Since the 2008, 110 countries have become less peaceful, while 48 have improved their score. Three main factors that have contributed to the deterioration in peace scores from 2012-2013: the number of homicides, military expenditure as a percentage of GDP and political instability. The number of deaths from internal conflicts has risen significantly. In the past year, the drug war in Mexico claimed twice as many lives as the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan."

    In 2012 Canada was #4 dropping to #8 in 2013.  The US was #88 and China #89 in 2012 and #99 and #101 respectively in 2013.  North Korea was #152 and Russia #153 in 2012 while they were #154 and #155 respectively in 2013.

    The 2014 report is due out in June so it will be interesting to see the new rankings,

    "Note that all the factors the video makers say are needed for peace are high on the list of things Republicans oppose."  All the better reason to put ALL Republicanus/Teabaggers in the permanent unemployment line!

    Daily Kos — Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove is not a rat . . . he's the rat's ass and passes out a lot of useless shit!  His motto:  if you can't find an opponent's smoking gun then make one up.

    The New Yorker — Andy does it again!

    Cartoon — The only brain damage I see is in the elephant!

  9. Thanks all.  Ovedrslept.  WAY late!

  10. On the other hand, what does this pic of Karl Rove (R-Hell) say about him?

    He's a Rat Bastard?

    4:59 – Puzzle


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