May 082014

I’m writing for tomorrow and feeling much more awake than I did yesterday.  I cleaned the apartment, had groceries delivered and put them away and organized my desk for tomorrow’s task.  It will be my day to do the annual paperwork our non-profit prison volunteer group.  Depending on how long that takes, I may or may not have articles for tomorrow.  Day 17.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:35 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Oh, Fox News. There could never be enough facepalms or headdesks to adequately respond to your brazen stupidity. The 24-hour propaganda network addressed marriage and earnings during Fox & Friends Sunday. Question being, isn’t it terrifying and unnatural that some women earn more than their husbands? Co-host Clayton Morris was in charge of pressing a panel of guests on this very urgent question:

MORRIS: Is there a problem with men earning less than women in the household, and do you think that it could throw off — that it actually could cause big marital problems?

Yes, it absolutely could. If the husband is an insecure jackass whose sense of self is tied to money and having his wife be subordinate to him.


The mouthpiece from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, did everything he could to twist his panelists’ arguments, and when he couldn’t, he dismissed them as "cultural issues".

From NY Times: Stanford University announced Tuesday that it would divest its $18.7 billion endowment of stock in coal-mining companies, becoming the first major university to lend support to a nationwide campaign to purge endowments and pension funds of fossil fuel investments.

The university said it acted in accordance with internal guidelines that allow its trustees to consider whether “corporate policies or practices create substantial social injury” when choosing investments. Coal’s status as a major source of carbon pollution linked to climate change persuaded the trustees to remove companies “whose principal business is coal” from their investment portfolio, the university said.

Kudos to Stanford University. May all major colleges follow suit.

From CNN: Old habits die hard.

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber will tell you that.

The former emergency room doctor was on his way to dinner Monday evening when he noticed a woman in need of help in downtown Portland.

So, of course, he did what any trained physician would.

He ordered his driver to stop. And using medical equipment he had in his car, he performed CPR until the paramedics arrived.

The woman had "apparently overdosed" on heroin, the governor’s spokeswoman Nkenge Harmon Johnson said.

That’s our Kitz! No doubt, Republicans will try to spin this into an adulterous romantic interlude. 😉



[Republican spelling intentional]


  13 Responses to “Open Thread–5/8/2014”

  1. 3:28  Now I know an extreme cat lover like me shouldn't like dogs, but this guy is beautiful and hard to resist.

  2. Time 4:45 – Nice puppy.

    A long time ago, my father in-law told me I should reject the raise I had earned.  He strongly believed that it was not good for the marriage.  He was neither a curmudgeon nor misogynistic, he was simply repeating what he had heard many times.  It was no different than repeating an old wives tale.  It is not true, that is unless we are dealing with a man so full of personal insecurity that his wife's success is seen for him as a failure.  That man is lost within his own massive needs, a trip to long term counseling might help.   

    Teaching is a very different world, men were often paid something that compares to a signing bonus. An effort to bring more men into teaching, math and science teachers were paid a bit more, that was an effort to show the need for their expertise.  Beyond  that teachers were paid on a ladder basis, for teaching that was not a bad thing.  Time in the job often produces better teachers. Every good teacher is constantly in some form of a learning process, even the time in the classroom is learning for the teacher as much as the student.

    That Fox finds it some how appropriate to have this discussion should be a direct insult to all women and most men.  Terrifying and unnatural?  That a woman should be rewarded in the only way that business has of saying "job well done"?  What I find unnatural is that any broadcasting company would dare to speak to their audience in such a manner that completely negates the value of a women and again makes the blatant effort to make men as far superior to women.   

    I read yesterday that Stanford was divesting as should everyone, divest of all fossil fuels and all the companies like Monsanto.  The best way to destroy these mega multinational companies is to take the blood of their existence.

    A shout out Kudos to Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, and a thank you to him for being a genuine human being.

    Thanks TC off to do your paperwork.  See ya tomorrow.

  3. 5:57, but the average is up to 7:40.  Which makes me wonder whether someone moved one piece and then got called away for an hour or so and didn't close it.

    Daily Kos – Demonstrating that Clayton Morris is an insecure jackass whose sense of self is tied to money and having his wife be subordinate to him.  But what Kos didn't add is that, if a husband an insecure jackass whose sense of self is tied to money and having his wife be subordinate to him., anything at all could cause big marital problems.

    NY Times – Glory be!  Now if they will just get rid of Searsvlle Dam …

    CNN – I hope it was his personal car and driver or they will go for misuse of public property and forcing a public employee to do personal business.  Which of course doesn't preclude yelling adultery.

    Cartoon – And as I recall it bombed.  Forcing them to come up with "Classic Koch."

    Non-profit paperwork does get a little easier once you've done it a few times and have a clue what to look for and at.  I hope it flies for you.

  4. You've been a busy little kitty.

    Daily Kos ~ A man would have to be very insecure or just plain old jealous if his wife's earnings affected their marriage. Just think of all the Mr. Moms living out there very secure in their manhood.

    NY Times ~ Kudos to Stanford, indeed!

    CNN ~ Did he provide her with the heroin too?

    Cartoon ~ You mean they haven't bought that company yet?

  5. CNN: Oregon governor John Kitzhaber – Amazing

    Rachel Maddow 05/06/14
    Debunktion Junction: Super-governor edition
    Rachel Maddow sets the factual record straight on Oregon governor John Kitzhaber and his amazing feats, saving two lives and catching a thief in a revolving door.


  6. Puzzle — 3:28  Now I know an extreme cat lover like me shouldn't like dogs, but this guy is beautiful and hard to resist.

    Daily Kos — This Faux Noise beacon of stupidity is more irrelevant than Faux Noise itself, if that is possible.  I am offended by his arrogance and the arrogance of Faux Noise for demeaning women.  Money isn't everything . . . oops I nearly forgot that they are the Republicanus/Teabagger Reich Ministry of Propaganda. 

    NY Times — Now, how many more universities and institutions will do the same?  Too bad Koch Industries is a privately held enterprise otherwise it might have had to financial payback for its recklessness.

    CNN — "No doubt, Republicans will try to spin this into an adulterous romantic interlude." Republicanus/Teabaggers would twist the story of Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy into something it is not.  I understand that Kitz may not run in 2014 for governor.  Is that true.  He seems to have his priorities straight.

    Cartoon — And if recall correctly, it was just as environmentally toxic as the old coke.  No wonder the Republicanus/Teabaggers think the name was spelled incorrectly.

    I can appreciate the paperwork thing.  I just finished doing my mother's taxes and mine on Monday last, the deadline.

  7. Daily Kos:  We should ask Fox if they can spell sexism.  This was blatant.   I hope enough women who actually listen to their drivel got teed off and let them know.

    CNN:  your governor is a man of many talents.

    Cartoon: Koch is the only way Repubs know to spell it.

    Hope you got all your reports done early and had time to rest.

  8. I have just been reading about the release of 'New Coke' – it was an utter disaster due to their inability to understand people and their behaviours – let us hope their support of the Koch brothers goes the same way!  (The book is 'Blink' by Malcolm Gladwell – and provides very good insights to human behaviour).

    I would like to know what Fox pay their anchors and presenters – men and women…. do they pay them differently according to whether they are married or not and if they are male or female or not?  It would be SOOO interesting to know!  And yes, I agree with the others – a wife earning more than her husband could only badly affect a marriage if the man already had a monster inferiority complex, poor soul!

    Glad your foot is improving TC!




  9. Thanks everyone.  The paperwork is done.  I certasinly don'y have the financials professionalism it takes to be the Treasurer, but I'm the closest thing we've got, so I muddle through.

    Overslept again!!

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