Apr 152014

I’m writing for tomorrow.  This morning I overslept.  I awakened two hours before my prison volunteer group Board Meeting was set to start.  The first words out of my mouth was “Holy”.  I’ll let you guess the second word.  Nevertheless, I was ready on time.  I cooked baked breaded cheddar chicken breasts, blended rice, and broccoli with mushrooms.  For dessert, I served red seedless grapes and mini-cinnamon rolls.  After the meeting, I took our President to the bank to finish putting her name on the account and removing our old President’s name.  When I returned, I cleaned up the mess.  It is now after 6:00 PM, and I just checked my email for the first time today.  I’m pooped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:22 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

By the way, the meeting went very well.



  17 Responses to “Personal Update–4/15/2014”

  1. 3:01 I rang that bell before that sneaky old TomCat today.

  2. Happy Patriots' Day. Pray it's a safe Boston Marathon today.

  3. Well done for accomplishing so much TC – and you look so fresh in your photo – aaahhhh!!

  4. 5:31 and don't anyone dare to say "clear as a bell."

    That sounds like an absolutely wonderful meal, and I hope they gave you a standing ovation.  You deserved one!  You deserve one from us too for all you do.

  5. Hi guys from now snowy Toronto.  I arrived yesterday with beautiful weather and no snow on the ground, but woke up to snow this morning.  So much for spring!

    I met my grand niece and grand nephew, ages 2 & 3, last night and we are fast friends.  They and their mother have come down with a nasty bug so they are off at the doctor's with nona.  I hope nobody else gets it.  They really are sweet kids.

    I couldn't do the  puzzle as I won't update my SIL's computer for Java without her say so.  Maybe another day.

    Take care guys!

  6. Sounds like a mighty good meal to me.

    Yesterday – APRIL 14th – here in KCMO we got enough snow that it produced a white haze on the roofs.  That should NOT happen in APRIL in KCMO!

  7. Your menu sounds great.  Glad all went well.

  8. Love that ExeCative Director picture,
    but not my puzzle time….

  9. Thanks everyone.  Now that I have the facilities to coom, I enjoy an excuse to prepare more extensive meals than I would for myself alone.

  10. Love the kitty cat – and the meal sounds delicious. You are a man of many talents, TomCat.  I'm terrible at puzzles (took me over 5 min) but I send them to my husband who loves them….

  11. Professional kitty… 😆

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