Feb 212014

I’m writing for tomorrow.  This is the only article.  I missed sleep yesterday staying up to wait for my grocery delivery, which was several hours late.  I missed more sleep last night, because I was so sore from doing more housework than I am used to doing, I could not get comfortable.  I missed more sleep this morning, because Verizon woke me up three times with robo-solicitations.  They are not my company.  If they think that will increase their chance at becoming my company, they can take a long, flying %#^& off a short pier.  In the process, I watched the women’s figure skating.  Sadly two of the US gals had an ass-ice interface.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:52 (average 5:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you so?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Minutes after the Russian men’s hockey team fell to Finland 3-1, a devastated President Vladimir Putin told reporters, “This must be what an actual election feels like.”

Reliving the horrible experience of watching his team lose to the Finns, the Russian leader said, “As the game went on, I started thinking to myself, ‘My God, I have no idea what the outcome of this is going to be.’ I had never experienced that feeling before. It was ghastly.”

Poor GOP Pootie!! I trust he considers this a major setback for his Russian Republican Reich.

From Daily Kos:

Those of you unfamiliar with the myriad roles of the Texas Lootenant Gubbinor might not be aware that first and formost [sic] in his duties is to defend the state from the predations of the president of the United States. Todd Staples, one of the several equally silly and terrible choices for that office on the Republican ticket, has put out an ad clarifying that. It shows him pointing guns, hating the EPA and generally being a Texas fertilizer plant of talking points.

Barf Bag Alert!!


Unable to use reason. Republicans just threaten violence.

From NY Times: Even as Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin looks ahead to 2016 and a possible presidential bid, his political past as Milwaukee County executive has come back to haunt him.

A release of 27,000 emails and hundreds of court documents on Wednesday portrays Mr. Walker, a Republican, as having presided over an office where aides used personal computers and email to conceal that they were mixing government and campaign business. The conduct of campaign work on government time led to the criminal convictions of two aides and several others. Mr. Walker, who has for years denied wrongdoing, was never charged.

The messages showed how actively Mr. Walker’s campaign coordinated with county workers in 2009 and 2010, when he was running for governor. They shared emails about the proper wording of campaign news releases. They exchanged emails on county time promoting a birthday fund-raising event for the campaign.

This is just how Republicans operate. They campaign at taxpayer expense. Several of Crawford Caligula’s aides were convicted of such abuse, and it lies at the center of the PIGnocchio scandals in NJ.



  11 Responses to “Open Thread–2/21/2014”

  1. 3:45 This one was confusing to me.

  2. New Yorker ~ Cute, Andy.

    Daily Kos ~ Tod Staples is doing a great job of wasting Texans' tax dollars by filing frivolous lawsuits against the EPA and fighting against marriage equality. I wonder what his immigration solution is. Does it involve weapons? Does anyone else notice his resemblance to GW? He could be his brother.

    NY Times ~ Are these RepubliCons really so stupid? Oh yeah. I'll set up a "secret" email account. That way everything will always remain "secret". WOW!

    Cartoon ~ Puck Putin!

  3. 5:41  Too much time smelling the flowers.

    New Yorker – Yeah, no wonder it's "not for him."

    Daily Kos – having read the barf bag alert, I didn't watch it, but I certainly noticed that in the cover clip, the gun store person looks even crazier than the candidate.  How scary is that.  Of course that's how they get elected.  Support Wendy Davis!!!!

    NY Times – A lot of people will be thrilled if Scott Walker can be brought down by this.  Alas, to paraphrase a former Colorado Congresswoman, Republicans seem to be made of Teflon.

  4. ~~Barf Bag Alert!!

    5:02 – Not a King – 😈

  5. The New Yorker:  Andy once again nails it. Putin surely doesn't understand what a real election is like.

    Daily Kos:  That man is an idiot.

    NY Times:   Explain to me how these Republican governors never know what their employees are doing but can keep tabs on Obama, Clinton, and all lady's private parts?

    Cartoon:  I still say he is secretly gay, he protests too much.

    Hope you get some sleep tonight.

  6. Puzzle — 3:43  I have a black thumb when it comes to plants!

    The New Yorker — Can't stand the heat?  Get out!

    "Speaking of world leaders who have had to run in free and fair elections, Putin said, “I admire their moxie. I really do. But after what I just went through today, I can definitely say it’s not for me.”"

    If you think it's not for you Putie, time for a new line of work, just like the other Republicans!

    Daily Kos — As I recall, Texas fertiliser plants explode into ashes.  May Staples explode into political ashes! And may that happen to every other Republicanus/Teabagger politician, state and federal.

    NY Times — I just love it when Republicanus/Teabaggers (and Canadian Conservatives) get caught playing patty cake!  May Walker, and PIGnocchio, go into political unemployment!

    Cartoon — Finnish payback for decades of Russian crap!

  7. Thanks everyone.  I'm sad to report that Obama owes Harper two cases of beer. 🙁

    • I hope he makes it a decent beer!. . . not that week stuff.  I don't drink beer but I have been assured that Canadian beer is stronger than American beer.

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