Corruption in McCrorystan

 Posted by at 1:47 am  Politics
Feb 162014

Once upon a time, the citizens of North Carolina enjoyed the benefits their state had to offer, but they believed Republican lies and allowed their state to be overthrown.  It is now the Totalitarian Racist Plutocracy of McCrorystan, led by TEAfuhrer Pat McCrory.  In typical Republican fashion, the TEAfuhrer has harmed residents with his corruption, but a federal investigation is giving him a pain in the ash, more precisely, the coal ash.


Rachel Maddow said on her show Friday night that the toxic coal ash spill in North Carolina exposes Gov. Pat McCrory (R)’s corrupt ties to Duke Energy, the company responsible for sending tens of thousands of tons of coal ash spilling into the Dan River.

On Friday, she said, the Tea Party governor did a press conference thinking that he was going to be answering questions about the winter storm that walloped the region this week. Instead, McCrory found himself on the pointed end of questions about his ties to Duke Energy, the statewide energy company that caused the spill.

Environmental groups in the state have sued Duke Energy over the spill, which has fouled miles of river ecosystems and will take years to clean up. McCrory is accused of working with Duke to quash those suits. He is also known to own a considerable amount of stock in the energy company, but refuses to disclose that amount.

Reporters wanted to know on Friday about the appearance of a conflict of interest… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Here’s that video:

As usual, Rachel is spot-on!  I’m most hopeful that the investigation will bear fruit, and TEAfuhrer McCrory becomes the best kind of Republican: unemployed and convicted.  The oppressed people of McCrorystan need their state back.


  12 Responses to “Corruption in McCrorystan”

  1. It sure would be nice to see McCrory led away in handcuffs. I've seen pictures of the Dan River on some shows other than Rachel's and they are dreadful.

  2. From destroying Womens Rights to Voter Suppression this guy is the total package.True Blue Repug.!

    Worked for Duke Energy for 20 years.and suggested a fine of $99,000 (pocket Change for them) as penalty for destroying tha environement .One hand washing the other !!.

    Could go on re. Duke. (goes back to Enron!!.. )

    Congrats to voters of NC.! judgement call!!!?

    Lets hear it for MORAL MONDAYS. and  may I suggest someone send McCrook  a dictionary that he may look up the meaning of the word. MORAL!

  3. I wonder how well people are enjoying the great benefits of no regulations and no inspections.  McCrory is just a front man for the business groups (to include ALEC and C of C) that bought his election.  Toxic waste in waterways does not just suddenly disappear.  Over time and with sufficient rain water to help clear the water the toxins move on down river.  The water contrary to public statements should not be used for human, animal or plants consumption. 

     I get it, these people need something to hang on to, there is poverty as we have not seen since the great depression, most jobs are tenuous at best and pay checks are not meeting the most basic needs., So these people hang on to the lies proffered by the business groups.  They vote, all too consistently against their own best interest.  Americans love to think that any day they too will a part of the 1%, they will somehow find those streets of paved gold.  Meanwhile, the Powers That Be are taking that gold from their teeth. 

    Thanks TC – hope you feeling much better.

    • The same thing goes on here, Kitty, with the coal companies.  The chemical spill in WV is another example of what happens when corporations are allowed to operate unchecked.

  4. Rachel always has it spot on.  I hope the investigation fully reveals the corruption in his administration and he gets prosecuted. 

    I hope your COPD is giving you less trouble.  We only got another inch of snow last night, woo hoo.  twelve straight days of snow.  yuck

  5. Thanks everyone.  Amen to all the above!

  6. Looking at the picture of McCrory on Rachel's video, he appears to be a "brownshirt".

    If there is a hint of trouble, usually there IS trouble.  Perhaps McCrory should go swimming in the Dan River to prove eveything is ok.  Putz!



    Please sign the petition to make sure McCrory is included in this investigation!  thanks

  8. Pat McCrory and Duke Energy in cahoots it appears to me… :mrgreen:

  9. I live in Eden, where the spill occured. We were kept in the dark to the extent that we thought at first they were searching the river for a weapon from a recent killing instead of sampling for spills.

    McCrory and Pope are to North Carolina as Sauruman and Grima Wormtongue are to the Shire.

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