Dec 052013

I am feeling a tiny bit better, thanks to the good Lord and lots of Immodium AD.  I am, however, completely exhausted, after working all day preparing to move.  All furniture is in and assembled, except the bed, which moves with me on Wednesday.  The rest of the small appliances are now ordered.  Sick as I was, I did more work yesterday than any Republican in Congress did all year.  For me, to bed!

For my fellow addicts…

Today’s took me 5:14 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy football players, these will be are the last games before playoffs start.


  10 Responses to “Personal Update–12/5/2013”

  1. 3:17  Where's the dog in this "Dog & Pony Show"?

  2. As Tom continues to take a break for some well deserved rest and the dreadfully difficult job of moving, I have another letter to share with you lovely people. I thought it only fair to post a letter to Dems since yesterday was to the Greedy Olde Pharts. Here it is:

  3. 5:57  I had to reboot and the mouse was still unresponsive.  Grrrr!

    Patty's letter – from the comments – "But remember, we are Democrats and still able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ;)"  And we still need to GET OUT THE VOTE.

  4. 6:45 – Horse wouldn't sit still… Hope you're feeling better soon TC. πŸ˜‰

  5. "It Gets Better"

  6. Glad you are finally moving.  Who could live without Imodium?

  7. Thanks everyone.  I want to get back to bed as soon as I can.  The Guitar man has crashed, so I don't want to miss any opportunities for sleep.  He's been so off the wall that I had to physically restrain a friend to keep her from physically attacking him.  Her husband came down the stairs, and asked me why I was hugging his wife.  She explained and he almost laughed his ass off at the look on my face.

    I'm really proud of the way you all have hept the conversation going here, with virttually no input from me.

    Thank you and hugs!

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