Nov 042013

I’m writing for tomorrow.  I did remember to fall back, and whem I did, I spent 4e5r minutes of that hour taking a cat nap.  I’m ready for more.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:12 (average 4:15).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: The scariest Republican Halloween costume ever


One could also go as a SNAP bill, an immigration bill, etc. ad infinitum. 

From MSNBC: How Virginia’s races are playing out for GOP


Terry McAuliffe would be my last choice as a Democratic candidate, but as Cuccinelli’s fellow Republican said, Cuccinelli does not meet the standards to qualify as a mammal.  So, go Terry!!

From Alternet: Suzanne Somers is still an idiot, and the WSJ prints her error-ridden Obamacare hitjob anyway.

While Thighmaster spokeswoman Suzanne Somers has matured since her hit TV show days, her plumpers and politics have pretty much ossified. Her enlightened take on the Affordable Care Act appeared in the Wall Street Journal this week, concluding that it’s “a greater Ponzi scheme than that pulled off by Bernie Madoff.” She wrote 535 hysterical words, in which Lenin came up in addition to Madoff, on the topic of this dreaded “socialized medicine.” By the next day, the Journal had published nearly a fifth as many words in corrections.

But it did not correct the “Ponzi scheme” assertion, which was based on flimsy anecdotes about relatives who had bad experiences with Canadian doctors, and how Somers is hearing on the news that everyone’s premium is doubling and tripling. (Any guesses as to which so-called news channel she watches?)

This piece of rocket science appeared in WSJ’s "The Experts" section, which bills itself as “an exclusive group of industry, academic and cultural thought leaders who weigh in on the latest debates.”

This will definitely be our go-to section for expert analysis henceforth.

This is only the first of ten Republican doozies from last week alone. Click through for the other nine. Now the WSJ has always been conservative, but even in your wildest dreams, can you image that paper deeming Somers, an air-head who actually fits the blonde bimbo stereotype she played as Chrissy Snow, a health care expert?   This would never have happened, before Rupert Murdoch started turning the WSJ into Faux Print, the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Jr.




  28 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/4/2013”

  1. OK…reply… I watch "UP"….so , my comment about McAuliffe is…I also watch Rachel, so am very familiar with the "Cucc" who is so closly connected with Gov. Ultrasound !!! So 1st choice or not McAuliffe is my choice. Cucc is crazy !   As for S.(airhead)  Somers….it's not her brain power(?) it's money power. WSJ =$$$ and ..yup…Faux news. enough said.

  2. While I do believe that all Americans have a right to an opinion, some of them really do not deserve our attention.  The Barbie doll Somers is one of those opinions.  Not just because I disagree, but because it has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.

  3. Any way we measure, the unfunded Medicare Part D is much closer to being a Ponzi scheme than the ACA.

  4. 5:27

    Terry McAuliffe is the only choice and I hope Virginia voters don't follow the Cartoon… ❗

  5. 3:20  TomCat, you are making me a little crabby!

  6. 2:45 Who's gonna be crabby today?

  7. Daily Kos ~ That's what they all di this year. Very scary!

    MSNBC ~ Like we said yestrday, any Democrat is better than the other choices.

    Alternet ~ When did Thighmaster Somers get a medical degree? If the WSJ says she's a medical expert, must be she isn't. As for the rest of the hit parade this week, they thoroughly disgusted me, as usual.

    Cartoon ~ I thought only Republicans could get their heads up their asses because of their pea-sized brains.


  8. Suzanne Somers on ObamaCare?

    Me?  I'm waiting for Cheech and/or Chong's WSJ editorial thoughts on Syria and the Middle East.

    THEN will have something to discuss.

  9. 3:46.  And the average has gone up to 5:20.  Guess I am a natural crab (spam telecallers would certainly say so).

    Agree with you 100% on Terry McAuliffe.  Not the greatest, but the Cooch really scares me.

    misskitty, I love you, but that is an insult to Barbie dolls.

    Cartoon – Patty, correct, we would have to use special effects to get the look.  ROTFL!

    • Now that I have had a chance to get through Alternet, I note the comment "We did not know that the devil had branched out into the charity business."  Maybe not, but if he applied for 501 c (3) status, I will bet the National Debt the IRS would give it to him.

    • Because I am one of the first to do them, the average often changes.  I tell them I'm glad they called and immeediately start pitc hing them my Alpine Ski resort in Kansas.  I love getting them to hang up on me. 🙂



      I did!

  10. Puzzle — 3:32 Jerry, you think you're crabby?  I am even crabbier than you!  I'm allergic to the damn things, so I guess it is no wonder I'm the crabbiest!

    Daily Kos — How about going as a Teabagger.  Not only does that garner strong feelings for the lost opportunity bills, but it also  garners strong scary feelings for tactics, like government shutdowns and the spectre of a further shutdown in 2014!

    MSNBC — I don't know much about McAuliffe, but I know too much about Cuccinelli, and what I know I don't like!  May the citizens of Virginia have the wisdom to dump Cuccinelli and the rest of the Virginia Republicanus/Teabaggers in the abyss of unemployment come 05/11/13.  Dig those numbers on the female vote — Cuccinelli 34%, McAuliffe 58%.  What I don't understand is why Cuccinelli's support among women is so high.  Seems there are too many brainwashed women.  Cuccinelli's number should be 0%.

    "… and how are Virginia Democrats making all this party history?  With an uninspiring candidate at the top of their ticket. …"

    This election in Virginia seems to say more about the Virginia Republicanus/Teabaggers and the enmity with which they are regarded, than the strength of the Virginia Democrats.

    Alternet — There has been far too much sipping of the insaniTea!

    Suzanne Summers – "This piece of rocket science appeared in WSJ’s "The Experts" section…"  The only things that Summers might be considered an expert is in 'being ditzy' and the Thighmaster.  And I'm not so sure about the Thighmaster.

    John Stossel – I guess, if I read between the lines, Stossel is telling men to "keep it in their pockets" so women don't get pregnant and cost more in healthcare related expenses.

    27 GOP senators vote to disapprove of themselves – I have to say, I disapprove of them too!  They really like to etch their sketch, don't they!

    SC soup kitchen to atheists – "They can have the devil there with them, but they better not come across the street."  From me to the director of the soup kitchen . . . the devil is already in the soup kitchen, stirring the soup, making sandwiches and distributing them to the unsuspecting souls.

    Minn Republican party posts – I guess they didn't get the memo about taking responsibility for one's actions. Oh wait, they did.  It's just their definition of responsibility that does not compute!

    Cartoon — It must really hurt to get the Republicanus/Teabagger horns and forked tongue that far buried!

    • Monster Mashed!



      According to Republicans, men can do as tghey please.  Pregnancy ia aleways the woman's fault.

      'Amen! 😈

  11. Sorry TC – MSNBC video advert played again – but nothing of the video I wanted to see.  Ah well.

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