How Republicans Show Respect

 Posted by at 12:56 am  Politics
Oct 162013

Over the weekend, a nonpartisan group of veterans planned a protest to demonstrate against the effects of the Republican Shutdown.  Republicans had so little respect for those veterans that they hijacked their demonstration, but that’s nothing compared with the despicable way they acted afterwards.

16RespectAngered by the closure of national landmarks due to the partial government shutdown, a crowd of conservatives removed barricades Sunday at the World War II Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial as they rallied against President Barack Obama and Democrats for their role in the ongoing stalemate.

High-profile speakers with close ties to the tea party appeared at the event, including former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

The rally, billed as the "Million Vet March on the Memorials," drew far fewer than a million people and evolved into a protest that resembled familiar tea party events from 2009, with yellow "Don’t Tread On Me" flags throughout the crowd and strong anti-Obama language from the podium and the audience.

One speaker went as far as saying the president was a Muslim and separately urged the crowd of hundreds to initiate a peaceful uprising.

"I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up," said Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, a conservative political advocacy group… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CNN>

Actually, there were about 200 people there.  I suspect that most of the folks, for whom the rally was originally intended, left in disgust.

Chris Hayes covered the Veterans’ demonstration that Republicans hijacked to commit TEAbuggery in two segments.

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Here we see a sure sign of Republican defeat. When you you are so desperate that you have to share the stage with Drill Baby Dingbat, you’ve already lost.

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Note that George writes for the New York Post, so his attempts to defend Republican racism for Murdoch is particularly hypocritical, even though he was clearly uncomfortable when doing so.

So this is how Republicans show respect.  They hijacked someone else’s rally.  They accused a Christian of being a Muslim.  They waved a confederate flag in front of the White House to threaten a black family.  They know no shame!


  16 Responses to “How Republicans Show Respect”

  1. And they do so while accusing the president of politicizing our veterans.   That's a pot calling a ceramic dish black.

  2. Nothing these clowns do surprises me anymore. I have come to expect the worst from them.

  3. These TP (I do like those initials for them!) extreme extremists astonish and repulse me in equal measure – they are completely off the wall crazy!

  4. The Republicans have a street gang's take on respect. The only well-being that concerns them is their own, and they regard any disagreement with even their most repugnant policies as "dissing" them. They respond to any perceived slights with personal attacks and the threat of violence.

  5. These Tea-Bags have no idea what it is to serve one's country therefore, I need to stay away for an absolute arrest of me would happen so I avoid… :mrgreen:

  6. I could not watch all of either video.  Those clowns put on their show at the monument, and I am sure there were a few there who believed them.  The rest thought they were idiots.  They think the American public are all idiots, obviously, or they would not continue with this charade.  The only thing they really care about is bringing down Obama. 

  7. They have no sense!

  8. Ted Cruz leads the effort to shutdown the government, and then leads the march on the National Mall protesting the government shut down. I will not insult the mentally ill by calling Cruz schizophrenic.  He knows exactly what he is doing and this is nothing more than a planned and targeted stunt to rile the Republicanus/Teabagger base of haters and bigots.

    Add a dash of Bullseye Barbie and some bigoted and seditious remarks by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, and you get a recipe for trouble.  This gathering had absolutely NOTHING to do with honouring WWII veterans and everything to do with usurping a peaceful gathering that was intended to be apolitical.  If Cruz et al were interested in the WWII veterans, they would end the government shutdown so that pensions and other government services and benefits that elderly veterans use could be available.  Let's face it, the youngest WWII veterans will be around 85 years old and many need help.

    These idiots wrap themselves in the US flag (there actually was a woman there with a flag over her shoulders) and spout religious liberty of the right wing fanatical evangelical pseudo Christian variety, but they are anything but patriotic Americans, let alone true Christians.

    Cory Booker, Democrat from New Jersey (who of course was not at the rally):

    Before you speak to me about your religion, first show it to me in how you treat other people;

    before you tell me how much you love your God, show me in how much you love all His children;

    before you preach to me of your passion for your faith, teach me about it through your compassion for your neighbours.

    In the end, I am not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give.

    The only good Republicanus/Teabagger is an unemployed Republicanus/Teabagger!  2014 midterms are coming!  Show your patriotism by voting out the Republicanus/Teabaggers!     


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