Poll Results–9/1/2013

 Posted by at 3:10 am  Blog News, Politics
Sep 012013

Here are the results of our Hillary Left or Right poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are often accurate.


And here are your comments.

 Posted by Fred Lemon  August 28, 2013 at 3:52 am.


On social issues I would think about the same. On financial issues to the right. On war issues to the right despite but Obama is quickly catching up. Keystone way to the right. Overall right.


Posted by Patty  August 23, 2013 at 12:04 pm.  


It was a toss-up for me but the more I thought about it I had to say she leans a little more to the Left of our President right now. Tomorrow?


Who knows.


Posted by dave c  August 22, 2013 at 3:15 pm.  


my teens said….

"that's an interesting question, I'd have to think about it" ….


"if this is an online poll shouldn't you completely ignore it?"


Posted by dave c in reply to dave c  August 27, 2013 at 9:32 am.  


I used to think about the same or maybe left, but then I heard American Petroleum Institute ads about how she and Bill support KXL….we'd already have it if she was president


Posted by Truvoice1 [of an idiot]  August 22, 2013 at 1:01 am.  


They are both diehard liberals with Obama being the more successful of the two. Socialism is a reality with our esteemed President!


Posted by SoINeedAName  August 19, 2013 at 7:29 pm.  


YIKES! After voting, the score stands: 6-6-6-1.

You don't see that very often.

I voted "Left of Obama" – which I NEVER would have dreamed of doing 4+ years ago.

But my vote is based on her "Heart-of-Hearts" – and NOT necessarily where she'll actually position herself.

While I'm still a HUGE fan of Pres. Obama, I think he's been too cerebral – and not enough of a brawler. I'd appreciate a LOT more "In-Your-Face" in his second term to redeem himself.


Posted by Yvonne White  August 18, 2013 at 5:00 pm.  


I have always said Hillary & Obama are interchangeable – I like Hillary, but she's no Liberal. I also knew America would elect a black man before it would a white woman – racism is bad, sexism is alive & well.

It amazed me that there is so much diversity of opinion on this subject, when Hillary is considerably right of Obama in several areas, and to the left of him in none.  I would argue that she pulled Obama to the right, because as part of the deal, in which she became Secretary of State, she negotiated jobs for many of her advisors, including two of the Three Blind Mice, Geithner and Summers.

Vote in our new poll quickly, as it could become moot in short order.


  13 Responses to “Poll Results–9/1/2013”

  1. I hope she stops pushing Larry Summers on our President soon.

  2. I thought Hillary was to the Right of President Obama – and very to the right on Keystone!  Glad to see I was in such good company.


  3. I think Yvonne is right on the money.  Unfortunately.  If she were the Democratic nominee, I'd vote for her, but I truly hope she is not.  We need a sea change in Democratic leadership – more like Elizabeth Warren, less like everyone else.  Time to leave the 20th century behind and move forward, more of the same won't do that.  That is the definition of Insanitea, is it not? 

  4. Here are the results of our Hillary Left or Right poll.

    Procrastinate – Guilty

    Same = Smart

  5. It's a bit confusing on who said what, because you BEGIN with a comment and END with a comment.

    By that I mean you posted SEVEN comments, but only have SIX attributions.

  6. I didn't vote, not because I wasn't interested, but because I was checking some things.  My initial assessment was that Clinton was more conservative than Obama.  One of the telltale signs was tim Geitner in that he was, shall we say, part of the package when Clinton agreed to come on board as Secretary of State.  And I'll stand on my initial assessment.

    I have voted in the new poll but was dismayed to find my comment censured again, yet I was careful not to say anything too controversial.

  7. My comment disappeared.

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