Aug 042013

Writing for tomorrow, day 51, I’m enjoying the last cool morning I’m likely to see for at least ten days.  Once they fixed the problems at out HSP, the site has been working as it should.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:29 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: In its last action before a five-week summer recess, the House took another jab at President Obama’s health care law on Friday, voting to prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from enforcing or carrying out any provision of the law.

The bill, approved by a vote of 232 to 185, now goes to the Senate, where it has virtually no chance of approval. President Obama said he would veto the measure if it got to him.

That is the 40th vote to repeal ObamaCare, wasting over $1 million in taxpayer money per vote. I predict that the US Congress will pass no more BS measures this month.

From MSNBC: Worst Congress EVER!


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In inferring that Congress has repealed many laws, Agent Orange did what he always does. He lied. The last Republican President was the worst president in US history. This Republican House makes it the worst congress in US history. This Republican Party is the worst party in US history. When Michael Steele is the brightest bulb in their pack, they are in BIG trouble.

From The Hill: For Dem women, it’s Hillary or bust

Hillary Clinton does not shatter the glass ceiling for women and win the White House in 2016, who will? [WATCH VIDEO]

It is a question that bubbles just under the surface in conversations with many Democratic women.

They are deeply invested in the idea of a Clinton run for the presidency. They are also painfully aware that no other female politician on the horizon is of comparable stature… [emphasis original]

Although I would prefer a more progressive candidate, I would have no problem supporting Hillary, if she wins the nomination, but Hillary or bust? What an awful choice!!  If I were a Dem woman, I’d choose to leave Hillary behind and keep my bust. 😉



Now that’s my kind of voting booth! 😀


  22 Responses to “Open Thread–8/4/2013”

  1. 4:16 Is my barrow faster than yours?

  2. Brilliant cartoon TC – I just love it!

  3. 6:24

    That is the 40th vote to repeal ObamaCare, wasting over $1 million in taxpayer money per vote.

    Whoa, the 113th Congress was worse than the 112th. I can see where the cuts need to happen.

  4. Puzzle — 3:34  Not a chance!  I cut my teeth on wheelbarrow races down the narrow knotted root path at my grandfather's summer house when I was a kid.  The trick was to get down to the boathouse without dumping your load, usually a friend or cousin, in the fastest time possible.

    NY Times — Fiscal conservatives, my ass!  At $1 million per vote, the Republicanus/Teabaggers are fiscal extravagants when it comes to cutting off social programmes and affordable healthcare.

    "I predict that the US Congress will pass no more BS measures this month." LMAO!!! Funny man! They aren't even sitting again until September.  🙂

    MSNBC — When Boehner says that Congress should be judged on how many bills it repeals, and not on how many it passes, he fails to acknowledge that the Congress can't even do that right. And Congress' rating is down even further to 8% from about 10% around the last election.  I think Boehner and the Republicanus/Teabagger Congress critters are proving that their steady diet of chemical laden twinkies is dumbing them down and their bourbon on the rocks chasers is pickling their brains.

    The Hill — I could tolerate Hillary, but I'd prefer to see Elizabeth Warren as POTUS.  The only question is 'does she have the political seasoning for the job?'  Unfortunately not, but then, is that an asset or a detractor?

    Cartoon — . . . and the darker, deeper and more dank the hole, the better!  Love what appears to be bull horns above the door!  An editorial comment on the thoughts of Republicanus/Teabaggers.


    • I guess nothing helps when Critter steals the crunchies! 😉

      And I was calling it low.

      Brains?  WHERE?

      Elizabeth's only campaign to date was against a relatibve light-weight.  Hillary would savage her in a primary.  Don't forget, the rumors about Obama being Kenyan originated with her campaign staff.


  5. I could hardly believe my eyes when you said that it costs over $1 MILLION PER VOTE on the GOP obsession with repealing ObamaCare.  So I decided to do a little Googling to find out.

    Turns out that it cost somewhere between $1.5 MILLION PER VOTE according to CBS … and an even more staggering $1.75 MILLION PER VOTE Seattle Post-Intelligencer(OK – that should be "according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer" … BUT I don't want to insert anything because I think it'll convert it into two separate links – and I already met my two Link Limit.)

  6. Hillary, as a member of the "good ol' boys' club," would be yet another disaster in a growing list of disasters to befall our so-called democracy. Voting Republican <i>or</i> Democrat will only guarantee more of the same, a rigid adherence to the status quo. When comparing policy platforms and political agendas, the Green Party's Dr. Jill Stein is still the best candidate. I voted for her once, and I'll vote for her again, but never again will I vote for the least-bad candidate offered by the two-party system.

    • Here's the thing, Phil.  As mich as I also like Jill, she got 1/3 of 1% of the 2012 Presidential vote.  Sh's great in an ideal world, but the world we live in isn't ideal.  Stein voters may enjoy smug satisfaction over ideologocval purtity, but in reality, it's still a vote for the Republican.

      • In other words, we're doomed to stay mired in this situation forever. The thing is, TC, the Dems offer a different solution than the Republicans, but not necessarily a better one. The fact is that neither party can or will rescue us from the economic and environmental problems that now plague society because neither party fully understands the causes of those problems. Republicans are on a shortcut to disaster; Democrats took a longer route, but their arrival at the same destination is just as sure.

        • So, by helping the Republicans, you're choosing the shortcut to disaster?  Phil, in the US system, the polituical deck is stacked against 3rd parties, and that will not change.  One solution is to take over the Democratic party, because it is closest to our views,  from within as we have, to a large extent, in Oregon.  The other solution is to drive the Republican party out of business, leaving room for a new second party to the left of the Democrats.  Helping Republicans by supporting candidates that can't even pull 1% works against both those solutions.

  7. Love the graphic.  I will vote for HIlary if she runs, but I am afraid she has too much baggage to get elected.  Heaven help us if we get another Republican next term.  They are all ready monsters.

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