Jul 302013

Writing early for tomorrow day 46, it’s 84° at my desk, but it should not be quite as hot in the old days.  Yesterday our favorite Canadian taught us that it is possible to manage a fantasy football draft as effectively as GW Bush managed Katrina. Winking smile

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Yesterday it took me 5:27 (average 6:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Nation: Starting today, workers in seven cities will begin the largest fast food worker mobilization in US history. Staff at chains including McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC and Wendy’s will reportedly walk out in New York, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansas City and Flint, Michigan.

While the workers are striking, even though I is not in my city, I shall eat not food from those restaurants.

From NY Times: As Detroit enters the federal bankruptcy process, the city is proposing a controversial plan for paring some of the $5.7 billion it owes in retiree health costs: pushing many of those too young to qualify for Medicare out of city-run coverage and into the new insurance markets that will soon be operating under the Obama health care law.

On the one hand, Republicans hate ObamaCare almost as much as they love stealing the right to vote from black people. On the other hand, they are happy to stick the nation’s taxpayers with the city’s obligations, while the 1% gobble up the city’s spoils.

From Alternet: Conservative talk radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are getting the boot from a major broadcaster. Politico’s Dylan Byers reports that Cumulus Media, the second biggest broadcaster in the country, is dropping Limbaugh and Hannity from its stations by the end of the year.

Wooo Hooo!!! Next, get them kicked off Clear Channel. Yes they have a right to free speech. But we have a right not to pay for their microphones by patronizing the advertisers who support them.



But they sure blew it with Bush!


  18 Responses to “Open Thread–7/30/2013”

  1. 3:44 I grabbed those pliers and squeezed.

  2. Can't pass up the Anniversary of Impeachment Articles without including one of my favorite quotes by the late Rep. Barbara Jordan (D-TX):

    My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total. I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution.

  3. I saw that Limbaugh and Co are going to be leaving the airwaves – but WHERE are they going to next?  They won't stop pushing their message of hatred and loathing in the foreseeable future, as far as I can see.

    Glad to see you are supporting the Fast Food Workers strike, TC.  I signed a petition to support that earlier today, there are several about, I'm glad to see.

  4. The Nation: Signed several petitions to support the strikers. Here, in Sonoma, there have been no strikes against the few fast food chains in town. I don't patronize them.

    New York Times: The banks will take the monies owed to them and the people who live in Detroit will get stuck with the remaining bills. And the blacks will lose their rights to vote.

    Aternet: Glad to see that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will be booted out of the Cumulus Media and, maybe soon, from Clear Channel as well. They will find a "home" somewhere…

    Cartoon: Good thing that bushy was not impeached although he should have been. Look who would have become President, next in line: Dick Cheney. That was a very scary thought! Brrrrr…


  5. Jig Zone Puzzle: 9:26

    Conservative talk radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are getting the boot from a major broadcaster.

    Some positive news for a change… 🙂

  6. Puzzle — 4:55   Are these the kind used for pulling teeth?

    The Nation — I too will stand in solidarity!  I very rarely eat there (last time was a couple of months ago) but I almost hit McD's this morning as I took my big boy to the vet's.  More on that later.

    NY Times — And if the Republicanus/Teabaggers succeed in repealing the ACA (God forbid!) where does that put these people who have been "moved over"?  Nevertheless, Republicanus/Teabaggers, ever the hypocrites.

    Alternet — I am sooooooo lucky that I don't have to listen to their drivel and lies.

    Cartoon — But Nixon gave them the slip and resigned 09 August 1974 before any impeachment.  This from Wikipedia about his resignation speech:

    Nixon's speech contained no admission of wrongdoing, and was termed "a masterpiece" by Conrad Black, one of his biographers. Black opined that "What was intended to be an unprecedented humiliation for any American president, Nixon converted into a virtual parliamentary acknowledgement of almost blameless insufficiency of legislative support to continue. He left while devoting half his address to a recitation of his accomplishments in office."

    Interesting that Conrad Black was convicted in the US of mail fraud and obstruction of Justice.  From crook to crook.

    Personal — My cat, Primo, went to the vet's today and it turns out he has an abscessed anal gland on top of being constipated.  So it was subQ fluids and another bit to help him poop, a pain injection and more medicine that I have to give several times a day.  Now I have to watch for him to poop, bathe his bumb with warm water and epsom salts compresses, and give him anti-biotics.  His appetite ha never flagged and he is looking fairly spry, but I am still very worried about him.  The other two seem to know that something is wrong and are giving him some loving attention.  Would appreciate good thoughts or prayers for my big guys speedy and trouble free recovery.  Thanks

    • I hope Primo poops soon!  I feel your pain, our kitties can really wear us down when they get sick.  My Gracie had an ear infection a few weeks ago, it was a real battle to give her the medicine every night.

    • Ours, not Patty Monster's.

      Good! (about the boycott, not the cat).

      That puts the people who have been moved over on RepubliCare.


      We dodn't call him Tricky Dicky without cause.

      I certainly hope and pray that Primo's nether regions will be tooting a tune of feline perfection in short order.  When I was a kid I pulled a bag of kittens out of the bay.  One survived and my sister adopted him.  He needed to be given a daily pill for life in order to poop.  But he lived a long and happy life, except for the day we mixed up communications, and three separate people gave him his medicine.

  7. The only time I ever eat fast food is when I am travelling, but I have signed several petitions supporting the fast food workers. I hope they prevail.

    When the Detroit debacle ends, the taxpayers will be poorer  and all the governors friends will be richer.

    Glad Rush and Hannity are gone from one market.  Doubt Clear Channel will give them the boot, though.

    I watched Nixons resignation speech and was ill listening to him.  He and Reagan were two of the parents of the mess our country is in today.

    • Good for you!

      Too true!

      That will happen only if Clear Channel loses money, because boycotted advertisers refuse to support the show.


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