Jul 262013

I’m writing for day 42, before leaving for my volunteer day in prison.  This will be today’s only article, as I don’t have time for more.  The big down side is that my apartment will be closed up with me gone, so I’ll return to a tinder box, but I’m very excited about seeing my guys.

Later… the volunteer day was great, but the prison was hot, and I’m exhausted.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:25 (average 5:02).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Facebook (H/T Daily Kos): Can you believe a republican said this? This is the most viral meme on Facebook this week.


Back then, some things some Republicans said made sense. No more.

From Media Matters: Fox News is floating the idea that Detroit’s filing for bankruptcy could lead to other cities following suit, a claim that economist Jared Bernstein calls "analytically incorrect."

On July 18, the city of Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, officially becoming the largest city in the United States to do so. According to USA Today, "The bankruptcy petition would seek protection from creditors and unions who are renegotiating $18.5 billion in debt and other liabilities."

On the July 19 edition of Fox & Friends, Fox Business host Stuart Varney warned that Detroit’s actions could cause a string of cities throughout the U.S. to also seek bankruptcy protection.

Just like I said, this is the Republican plan for YOUR community, wherever you are, and the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, is issuing their clarion call!

From NY Times: …If positions on foreign policy and specifically the Iraq war marked the dividing line in the Democrats’ last fierce internal debate, issues related to banks, entitlements and the rights of consumers broadly could shape the party’s next search for an identity.

Liberals, pointing to a bankrupt Detroit and new reports of diminished class mobility, believe the plight of lower-income and young Americans is so severe that the party must shift away from the center-left consensus that has shaped its fiscal politics since Bill Clinton’s 1992 election and push more aggressively to reduce income disparity.

“The sooner we get back to a good, progressive, populist message, the better off we’re going to be as Democrats,” said Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa.

The author claims that some Democrats are trying to move the party away from the center in this fashion. I disagree. Before the party can move away from the center, as it should, it must first move far enough left to reach the center, and then continue left.




  18 Responses to “Open Thread–7/26/2013”

  1. As you probably know, the ladies on ABC’s “The View” recently took on Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli.  He’s the Rethuglican who hopes to revive Virginia’s sodomy ban that makes oral and anal sex a felony,

    I don’t know what it is with Rethuglican’s obsession with sex, but If Cuccinelli and all his fellow Rethuglicans would focus on “Jobs” that is NOT preceded by the word “Blow” – our nation would be a lot better off.

    • "The View" clip was amusing.  I liked the comment at the end "He [Cuccinelli] wants the government on my back and my husband off!"

      I have to say that anyone who votes for this ass-wipe deserves to have Cuccinelli in their bedroom!

    • Thanks Nameless.  I hope he gets it from voters, right up his Cuccinelli!

  2. 4:02  Chiseled features of stone.  Not my idea of a good date.

  3. Puzzle — 4:02  Chiseled features of stone.  Not my idea of a good date.

    Facebook — Let's hope that Ike was right and we will never hear of the Republican/Teabaggers ever again, in due course of course.

    Paraphrase Martin Niemöller's poem "First they came . . . " by the likes of the Kochs etc 

    First they came for the people who rely on the paycheque I provide,

    and I didn’t speak out because I could always hire another.

    Then they came for the bankers,

    and I didn’t speak out because I could bank offshore.

    Then they came for the Republicanus/Teabagger politicians,

    and I didn’t speak out because I was not a Republicanus/Teabagger politician and I could always buy another politician.

    Then they came for me,  

    And there was no one left that would speak for me.

    Media Matters — 

    "Fox News is floating the idea that Detroit’s filing for bankruptcy could lead to other cities following suit, a claim that economist Jared Bernstein calls "analytically incorrect.""

    Well Jared might be correct about being 'analytically incorrect', but Faux Noise doesn't do 'analysis', only Republicanus/Teabagger propaganda.  Motto of the Republicanus/Teabaggers "First the cities, then the states, then the country, and next the world!"

    NY Times — "Before the party can move away from the center, as it should, it must first move far enough left to reach the center, and then continue left." — Amen!!!

    Cartoon — Ben Franklin is likely rolling over in his grave!  He should give the Republicanus/Teabaggers his kite and key to test the theory of lightning striking twice, and maybe take out a few Republicanus/Teabaggers in the process.  Let's face it, the GOP don't believe in science so it should be an easy sell!

    • EitherI dia Mashed or a winner!

      I disagree.  The first to go in a Republican Reich will be the Baggers, just as the SA storm troopers were the first to go in Hitler's Reich.

      Well said.


      With a metal string and no key. 😉

  4. Re: the Post Office

    When you look at all the institutions and people that the republicans are trying to destroy in this country, a truly frightening picture is painted that seems to give credence to the Koch brothers' Bilderberg connections.  When you look at everything, you cannot deny that the goal of the republican party is to destroy the middle class completely. 


    • Whether it's part of a Bilderberg conspiracy or not, Republicans are worling to create a two class society: the 1% and the working poor.

  5. "Before the party can move away from the center, as it should, it must first move far enough left to reach the center, and then continue left."   Oh TC how VERY much I agree! 

    • Thanks Pat.  It's part of being a realest to support something far short of ideal, because it remains the best available.

  6. Can you believe a member of the GOP said this?

    ~ Dwight Eisenhower (November 8, 1954)

    What ever happened to moderate Republicans/Tea-Bags?

  7. I wish a few more Ikes were still around.


    I hope you heat wave breaks soon.

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