Jul 122013

As I write for tomorrow, Day 28, it’s a chilly 76° at my desk.  The sun has hit the breezeway and will superheat the air, but If I’m lucky, it will stay below 90°.

Update: Late in the day, I received news on a possible place to live so I am going to fill out an application in the morning.  Therefore, expect an Open Thread at most on the 13th.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:12 (average 5:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Bill Moyers: Muckrakers and activists have been working to expose the brutality of industrialized meat production since Upton Sinclair’s writing of The Jungle in 1906. But an ALEC model bill known as “The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act” would make it a crime to film at animal facilities — such as factory farms or slaughterhouses — with the intent to “defame the facility or its owner.” So-called “ag-gag” laws that appear inspired by the ALEC model have been passed in several states. This report, produced by Okapi Productions, LLC  and the Schumann Media Center, Inc. looks at the effect of these laws on both our food supply and our freedom of speech.


ALEC is Republicans’ way to say "screw you" to animals, health, and the Constitution.

From Crooks and Liars: TX Anti-Abortion Representative Tried To Kick Pregnant Women, Kids Off CHIP


Listen to that bitch (apology to female dawgs) lie. Republic have plenty of money for 1% welfare, but want to starve hungry children. Isn’t it ironic that her excuse for depriving pregnant women is that the children don’t count because they aren’t born yet? That is the polar opposite to her position on choice, where they count more than the mother and her doctor.

From Daily Kos: The Washington, D.C., city council voted Wednesday afternoon to impose a $12.50 living wage on large retailers, passing a bill that Tuesday drew threats from Walmart that it would scrap plans to build three stores in the District that have not yet begun construction (three are already being built). Walmart had reportedly promised District officials that it would pay an average of $12.39 or more, so the fact that $12.50 was reason to pull out sheds more than a little doubt on the corporation’s claims.

The Large Retailer Accountability Act applies to businesses that have corporate sales over $1 billion and spaces of 75,000 square feet or more—big box stores, in short. Though the bill has been characterized as targeting Walmart, it will apply more broadly to stores including Target and Macy’s.


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It’s clear that Wal-Fart lied when it promised to pay $12.39, as the additional $0.11 would not be worth this kind of effort. This is nothing less than blackmail. Why should taxpayers subsidize Wal-Fart profits, because they won’t pay employees enough to buy food.




  22 Responses to “Open Thread–7/12/2013”

  1. 3:44 I didn't go bananas over this one.

  2. Our heat wave finally broke last night. We had a low of 56 but it'g going back up into the high 80's tomorrow and up from there all next week. Keep up the good work staying away from cigs! 14 months for me next week.

    Bill Moyers ~ They have tried to pass similar Ag-gag laws in the past without success. Let's hope they fail once again and do everything we legally can to ensure that.

    Crooks and Liars ~ This describes her perfectly. She is both a crook and a Liar! When you don't have proof, yell!

    Daily Kos ~ OMG! They trheatened to NOT build the 3 stores. I say let them make their threats good. Who needs more Wal-Fart stores?

    Cartoon ~ Happy Birthday Etch-A-Sketch! The RepublicanTs all agree that you are their favorite campaign tool.


    • It did not reach 90° inside here for the first time in two weeks.  Sadly, thaty will not last the weekend.

      I fully agree.


      I agree!


  3. Is that 28 days sans tobacco?  That's good.  The LA Times has an article today about how fewer young people are smoking.

  4. Good luck on your apartment, Cat Man. I hope it has AC too!

    Today's fodder is like teething on razor blades as far as the ALEC crap. I loathe factory farms/ranches. They don;t want us to see the kind of sociopathis employees they have working there or the kind of brutal treatment they inflict…….and most of America eats that pain and suffering…that terror.  And we wonder why people are so sick? Karma.

    Wal Fart…..LMAO…I like that! We call it HellMart….we rarely ever step foot in one unless we absolutely have too and then it is under duress. I wish they would all close and go back to mom n pop stores. I miss those, but we still have some in this town we exist in.

    • It diesn't, but if I'm accepted I can buy one.

      Given my feline nature, I'll never be a vegetarian, but I want my food raised and killed humanely.

      I saw through Wal-Fart early on, so I'm proud to say I have never entered one.

  5. Puzzle — 3:59  This drove me bananas!

    Bill Moyers — I think it is time to muck-out the barn where ALEC lives in the shadows with the rats. When health and safety are put at risk for profit, it is time to exterminate the vermin (ie ALEC) and the rats.

    Crooks and Liars — You have to just love the hypocrisy of this Republicanus/Teabagger — when it comes to a woman's choice, in utero the fetus is a person, but when it comes to maternal health programmes, in utero the fetus doesn't count.  I'm happy she withdrew the amendment but that amendment should never have made it to the floor.  IMO, she should be censured for her conduct — yelling at a colleague — but she won't be because she is Republicanus/Teabagger and so is the state government.

    Daily Kos — The article says that the DC city council voted to require a "$12.50 living wage on large retailers".

    "Walmart had reportedly promised District officials that it would pay an average of $12.39 or more, so the fact that $12.50 was reason to pull out sheds more than a little doubt on the corporation’s claims. …"

    Notice the difference one word makes?  WalFart said they would pay an average of $12.39 or more — well to be an average, that means that some (or most employees) would be paid at minimum wage ($7.25) assuming that WalFart would also factor in the rate of all management/supervisory employees as well for their "promise" which I don't think is worth the paper it is written on.  If they didn't factor in management/supervisory wages, then I think that saying they will back out of 3 more stores is a ruse to force the council's hands who are likely to want to see increased employment numbers.  Any way you slice or dice it, WalFart is not a good employer or corporate citizen.

    As an aside, in Kempville Ont, a WalFart employee maintains she was fired because, on her own time, she saw a dog locked in a hot car in the WalFart parking lot and spoke to the customer about the dangers of such action, saying she would report it to police.  The next day she was called into the office and fired.

    On a personal note, I had to go into WalFart the other day and I was very much aware of feeling "dirty" because I was in the store.  I didn't want anyone to see me there but I needed one thing for my mother and my regular order at my pharmacy hadn't come in.

    Cartoon — Ah, the Etch-a-Sketch!  From children's toy to political tool!  Who would have thought that Republicanus/Teabaggers could get such use from a toy!

    • Slipped in the peel?


      That is my exact point.  She's also the sponsor of the whole bill.

      That $12.39 average must include the Walton family members.  That's horrid!

      I imagine that's how married men feel walking into a cat house.


  6. Best of luck on getting a new domicile.

    And this caught my eye WRT the ongoing protests over Texas' attempt at passing the most restrictive abortion rights limits:

    State troopers are confiscating tampons, maxi pads and other potential projectiles from those who are entering the Texas capitol to watch the debate and vote on a controversial anti-abortion bill. Guns, however, which are typically permitted in the state capitol, are still being allowed.:

    Do you suppose their thinking is that when used as intended, both tampons and guns will involve a good deal of blood?  You always have to give a wide berth to women packing those Kotex .45's.

    (Can Texas get any dumber?)

    • I assume they think women who are menstruating will leave if they need to change something.  I am way past menopause myself, but this makes me want to be menstruating and remove all sanitary products and underwear, and run around the statehouse getting blood on everything.  I used to have a very heavy flow, too, including clots, so I really don't want to go back, but by gosh, they would deserve it.

    • Oh Nameless, I love the "Kotex .45" reference!  You are so delightfully funny!  You must keep your wife, mother and aunt in absolute stitches!

    • OMG, Nameless!  That takes InszaniTEA to a whole new level!

  7. I hope you get the new apt and it is cooler for you there.

    If this bill passes, the poor animals in factory farms will probably suffer even more, since the owners will know that they can't be watched or prosecuted.  It is bad enough that these animals are grown to be slaughtered, they should at least have a modicum decent treatment while they are alive.

    I 'm sorry, but female dogs are less bitchy than this woman.  She should be kicked out of the female gender, What an idiot.

    We seldom go to Wal Mart, but we live in a rural area and since they came in,they have basically killed all the mom and pop stores.  Only go there when I can't find it anywhere else.  I belong to a group called Wal Mart Watch, been signing petitions against them right and left  It must be hell to work there.  

    • Thanks Edie,

      I agree.

      That's why I apologigized to real bitches in advance.

      I have friends who have, and they hated it.

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