May 252013

Across the nation, individual state governments are making a choice between ObamaCare and RepubliCare, based on whether or not they accept, expanded Medicaid, ObamaCare’s method of providing health care to the very poor, at federal expense.  I’m sorry to say that far too many state governments under Republican regimes are putting their extreme views ahead of the needs of their citizens.

RepubliCareThe refusal by about half the states to expand Medicaid will leave millions of poor people ineligible for government-subsidized health insurance under President Obama’s health care law even as many others with higher incomes receive federal subsidies to buy insurance.

Starting next month, the administration and its allies will conduct a nationwide campaign encouraging Americans to take advantage of new high-quality affordable insurance options. But those options will be unavailable to some of the neediest people in states like Texas, Florida, Kansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia, which are refusing to expand Medicaid.

More than half of all people without health insurance live in states that are not planning to expand Medicaid.

People in those states who have incomes from the poverty level up to four times that amount ($11,490 to $45,960 a year for an individual) can get federal tax credits to subsidize the purchase of private health insurance. But many people below the poverty line will be unable to get tax credits, Medicaid or other help with health insurance… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Here is a map I found of where every state stands on Medicaid Expansion, but they did not reflect that Florida’s legislature is blocking Florida’s participation. Coloring those that refuse red is poetically accurate.  If you follow the link, they also have an interactive version of the map.

Where the States Stand
Via: The Advisory Board Company

This is a perfect example of how the pro-death party offers the RepubliCare Death Benefit to those who cannot pay. Alan Grayson was right.


  12 Responses to “RepubliCare States Harm their Residents”

  1. This is very disturbing, when I moved to NYC, it was because of its political and moral principles that I agreed with, the city has made me "comfortable in my poverty", providing employment when I needed it, and was more evolved in its acceptance of a rich variety of cultures, now it's becoming far too elitist and wealthy.

    I believe this disparity of wealth and the degradation of the poor, denying health care to the impoverished will as history clearly provides proof, become the downfall of the nation. The nation can't survive as a plutocracy, the peons will revolt – hopefully it doesn't prove to be too violent! A revolt at the ballot box woud be far better, but I don't see the "sheeple" prepared to do that, they tend to believe every propaganistic utterance from their lairds! Look at Oklahoma in the aftermath of the tornado – both Senators want all their "clean-up" funds to be off-set by the tax payers and ripping off the poor and the people already in distress – their own victims – but they are in total support of their Senators – I almost wish that no money was sent to them until these Senators apologized to the Sandy victims first! — but I digress!

    • I hear that al,l too well Lee.  I hope we can fix it through nonviolent means.  With very few exceptions, almost all past violent revolutions have ended in a totalitarian state.

  2. The RepublicanT Death Panels are all their own doing but they will try to blame it on Obama-Care.

  3. It's an alarming map TC – I keep thinking of the decent people trapped in those states, outnumbered by the Repuglicons who are either too rich and greedy or too stupid to vote to help others and just give them a hand up.

  4. What was it that Lyin' Ryan said when he misspoke about healthcare and inserted his foot into his mouth, all the way up to his ass?  I remember the gist of it and it seems so appropriate to this whole issue.  The Republican/Teabaggers are such a feckless bunch!  They aren't even suitable as fertiliser.

    • "This to us is something that we're not going to give up on, because we're not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American people."

      -Lyin' Ryan

      • Thank you.  I looked but couldn't find it! . . . probably because I wanted it!  I looked under quotes for Lyin' Ryan and nobody had it there.  Was it lost on the media etc?  Would seem so.  This is a quote that needs to be put on billboards in neo lights so that people always remember what that snivelling little toady would do!

  5. Very distressing information which makes it clear to me that Republicans are the Death Panels…

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