Apr 302013

May 30 - national day of shame

Trying to imagine why this utter fool would pick this, of all days, to open his pResidentiual Library, celebrating his “accomplishments”, boggles the mind.  However, it does serve to confirm that he is the worst President in US history!


  4 Responses to “4/30–A Day That Still Lives in Infamy”

  1. TC, you're ill.  Go back to bed take your meds, drink lots of fluids, and REST!  I know you couldn't resist but the date on the cartoon is wrong which is evidence enough that you are sick.

    As to the topic at hand, April 1st would have been far more appropriate for this genuine fool to open his presidential library!  Better still, don't open it.  I didn't know he could read!

  2. Bush, presidential, library are all oxymorons…with emphasis on moron!

  3. I agree with Lynn and Jerry on all accounts!

  4. AMEN!!!

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