Nov 072012

You are the reason our President is also our next President.  You defeated Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, and a bevy of billionaires and corporate criminals.  When Republicans tried to take away your right to vote, you braved inclement weather, stood for hours in lines and voted anyway.  When Republicans tried to take away your right to contraceptive care, you fought back.  When Republicans tried to steal this election, you didn’t let them get away with it.  You are the reason Barack Obama won.  Here are the election results compared with my projections, in which I showed potential for rocket science. 😉






I predicted Obama would win 303 to 235.  The current count is 303 to 206.  I called every state correctly, except for Florida, which is still undetermined, but Obama will most likely win it.  That’s ok.  49 out of 50 is not bad.






I predicted 53 Democrats, 45 Republicans and 2 Independents.  The current makeup is 51 Democrats, 45 Republicans, 2 Independent, and 2 still undetermined.  Democrats lead in both.  I was wrong about Arizona.  It appears that I will be right about Montana and wrong (thankfully) about North Dakota, making my projection about the numeric makeup of the Senate exactly right.  I’ll take it.

I did not make predictions about the House, other than that Democrats would make gains, but Republicans would hold their majority, for now.  The last House was 193 Democrats to 242 Republicans.  The current makeup is 191 Democrats, 232 Republicans, and 12 still undecided.  Democrats lead in 10 of the 12, so it appears that I was correct.

The only bad news I have is that Paul Lyin’ Ryan and Michele Batshit Bachmann retained their House seats.

It is my honest believe that there is a place for conservatives in the American political landscape and my sincere hope that the Republican Party will return to authentic conservatism, abandoning the billionaires, corporate criminals, bigots, racists, misanthropes, misogynists, homophobes and pseudo-Christians that are setting their policy now.  Obama has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to work with Republicans for the benefit of all Americans, as he did with Chris Christie, but not for just the 1%.  If the Republican party refuses to compromise, and continues their practice of obstruction and sabotage, then the Republican Party must follow their Whig predecessors into oblivion.  America has sent a clear message that those vile tactics do not work.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that I, personally, retain 100% Democratic representation!

I leave you with Obama’s victory speech.


  24 Responses to “2012 Election Report–You Win!”

  1. TC— Your a genius!!  Yes  U R !
    WE won– White, Black, Brown , and all shades  Won – together !-Across the board —
    Ryan and Bachmann-? Now little ripples in a diminished pond-? I would hope they  have learned from this—We have to tolerate them I suppose–
    It is great to feel hope this morning!
    You were right TC—-((HUGS)) 

    • Thanks Phyllis.  Assuming Obama keeps his lead Florida, which is still up in the air, the only pundit to outdo me is Nate Silver.


  3.  "WHEWWWWWW!!!!" Four years ago I felt unbridled elation.  Last night, while overjoyed, my gut reaction is RELIEF!  I shudder to think how close we came to an unmitigated disaster.   While Bachmann narrowly was re-elected, it looks like we'll at least get rid of two major TeaBagger a$$holes – Alan West and Joe Walsh.   It you want a Scorecard on how the pundits did with predictions, there are two websites that tabulated a slew (maybe even a "slough") of them:   And if you don't think Nate Silver was COMPLETELY VINDICATED, just take a look at this, comparing his prediction with results as of this morning:   And since I'm over the "Two Link Limit" – I might as well add one more  to the New York Times that's the easiest (and maybe most accurate) way to keep taps on ongoing changes.  Just click on the State to see what your local House, Senate and major Props are doing:

    • Don't forget Todd Akin and John Murdourch – thank God those two did get a seat.

    • Me too, Nameless.  We have a glitch in the release of pending comments, and that's why four formatting is screwed up, so try to avoid comments with over two links.

  4. You did soooooo good, marvelous, wonderful and all the other great words, TC.  You nailed it.   Kudos to you. 
    And Kudos to all who took the bull by the horns and got out the vote and in dire circumstances voted.  I am so PROUD of this country and it's people.  There are many things to overcome, but WE CAN DO IT.  WE HAVE A GREAT PRESIDENT, and MAYBE, this time around, the Congress will understand that they had better do what is right for this country. Or they will get their asses handed to them on the way out the door. 
    What an amazing night.  Get some rest today, TC.  Take care and God Bless.

  5. Alright! now let's get back to work.

  6. Well done, Tom. And well done, America!
    Now it's time to sit back and enjoy the madness of the FOX(R) comedy channel as they wonder what happened to the "Center-Right America", and Rushbo the Clown's blubbering "explanation" of what went wrong.

  7. Tom, your genius mind prevailed! We have 4 more years for Pres. Obama to finish the job he started
    Let's all give ourselves a big pat on the back and get back to work!
    The fight is just begun!
    Batshit Bachmann barely eked out her victory. Here's an interesting blog about her. Make sure you listen to the campaign song.

  8. Now let's get working on a true democratic party unsullied by big oil, and more liberal as in the years of Kennedy and McGovern. Not all this centrist crap!!!! Get a reversal on Citizens United – go back to the  decade of the 50"s when the rich were "willingly" paying 91% in taxes for the sake of the nation's economy – it was considered the "patriotic" thing to do!!! Times have changed!! Or simply start to establish a liberal party that has "legitimacy" this two party system sucks!!

    • Lee, I thing we will be better served by working to reform the Democratic Party, but since we need the Republican Party to self deport, we'll need another party.

  9. Paul Lyin’ Ryan and Michele Batshit Bachmann retained their House seats.
    In Bachmann's case, only by a razor-thin margin.  And Minnesota rejected an anti-gay-marriage referendum.  Chances are good she'll go down in 2014.
    Things are moving our way.

  10. OK, I'm really late to this party because I did a bunch of reading, making notes etc then lost it all when my two boys decided to have a cat fight under my desk and, I'm sure, accidently pulled the plug on my computer!  Arghhhhhh!  Motherhood!   I'm impressed TC with your prestidigitation — the mixing of all those facts to come up with such a good result!  See I knew that I had a good teacher in US politics!   It is interesting to see all the articles out there about why the Republican/Teabaggers lost.  One article (for which I lost the url) kept on about the GOP ground game, analysing and re-analysing the tactics used to get out the vote.  But nowhere in that particular article did they even suggest that their policy positions were out of step with the American public.  Another article suggested that Romney lacked the presence of Mr Obama, and I would certainly agree, but that is not the whole story either.  This from Newt Gingrich:

    …we misunderstood what was going on in the country … Republicans are going to have to do a lot of rethinking at the presidential level … we have to become a party of inclusion, not outreach, … recognize that if you’re not going to be competitive with Latinos, with African Americans, with Native Americans, with Asian Americans, you’re not going to be a successful party.  

    Of course Donald Trump had to tweet his way into the history books with these little gems: 

    "This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!" "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!"   "House of Representatives shouldn't give anything to Obama unless he terminates Obamacare."      

      One commentator wrote:  "and I thought this would be the end of all the posts. maybe tomorrow" I think that we are going to have 4 more years of his rants and tweets until this lameassed idiot gets the idea that the US is not his personal piece of real estate for development, or until the DOJ decides that this walking foul mouth is worthy of charging with sedition.  Trump is probably hoping that something like that will happen, although he has removed the tweets, probably on the advice of legal counsel.   Thomas L Friedman in his piece "Hope and Change: Part 2" in the NY Times reminds us that McConnell in the opening days of Mr Obama's first term declared “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”  As Friedman says

    The G.O.P. lost an election that, given the state of the economy, it should have won because of an excess of McConnell-like cynicism, a shortage of new ideas and an abundance of really bad ideas — about immigration, about climate, about how jobs are created and about abortion and other social issues.

      In a piece with Steven Colbert, Andrew Sullivan said: "I want conservatism to revive … to the changing demographics in our society … and come up with constructive proposals to help solve our problems …"   Seems that that is the approach that Mr Obama wants to take too.  He said as part of his acceptance speech:

    “We are an American family and we rise or fall together as one nation."

      And I had to laugh when I read this tweet from a Canadian to Americans who were talking about moving to Canada as a result of the election: 

    Congratulations, Americans, for voting for better health care and other Canadian things. Soon y'all will be ending your sentences with "eh!"

      Some of the reading I did came from The Atlantic and The NY Times.  Here are 3 stories that I posted to Care2 that I hope you will find interesting.  

    Let's all hope and pray that the radical right can learn to coöperate for the people.  Let's not have four more years of radicalism but four new years of coöperation for the people and for the country.

  11. Allen West is wanting to a recount but there is debate as to whether he'll get it.  He wants the voting machines and all ballots  put under lock and key.  I hope this twerp is charged for his shenanigans.
    And Joe Walsh is a really lousy loser — he is back at it with his racist remarks — Mr Obama won only because he is black.  Take a pill and chill Joe!
    Will these idiots ever learn?

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