Nov 012012

Here are the results of our poll on the importance of the last two debates on the presidential election.  While the respondents are not demographically balanced, the poll contains no internal bias.


And here are your comments.

Posted by lucy j. on October 30, 2012 at 1:15 am


debates are really only my opinion against your opinion. The world does not run on debates. When world leaders meet behind closed doors they do not waste time on debates only policy. "Here’s what I’m willing to do and then show me what you are willing to do ".


Posted by Yvonne White on October 28, 2012 at 7:44 pm


The debates are for show – If someone is waiting until the debates to decide, then they’re just lazy probably stupid enough to be a Teabagger.


Posted by Rixar13 on October 25, 2012 at 6:36 pm


Very important –




Posted by Dad4theFuture on October 24, 2012 at 6:56 pm


I think it should be important, but it seems many of our country are now saying only the first was…and not just Faux news or Romneyites


Posted by Lynn Squance on October 19, 2012 at 2:47 am


I said very important for 3 reasons:

1) there are still some undecided voters (which I personally find hard to believe given that the campaign is over a year long);

2) after Mr Obama’s less than stellar performance at the first debate, people needed to see the passion of 2008 standing up for the people against the Reichwingnuts;

3) because of the time limits, all the topics of concern can’t be covered adequately in one debate. It’s foolish to even try.

I hope that Mr Obama will come out swinging again in the 3rd debate. As Muhammad Ali said "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"


Posted by Patty on October 16, 2012 at 9:39 pm


I still think the debates are important. Tonight Pres. Obama was able to refute Rmoney’s lies and explain how he changed his position on nearly everything since winning the RepublicanT primary. Candy Crowley even called him on one fact he got wrong.

It was priceless!

I voted Somewhat Important, instead of Very Important because so many voters have already decided.  I expected that a strong performance by Obama would stop the momentum Romney gained in the first debate, but not reverse all the gains he made by appearing more moderate than he is to lazy, uninformed voters, and itr appears that I was correct.

Our new poll is appropriate for this time.  I bet you can guess what my vote is!


  6 Responses to “Poll Results–11/1/2012”

  1. It is incredible that just days before the election and there are still undecideds out there!  I don't know how anyone could be undecided at this point in the campaign.  After more than a year of serious campaigning, no one should be ignorant on the issues.
    In Canada, I believe the maximum time between the federal election writ being dropped and the actual voting day is 60 days, no more than 90 days.  I looked it up a couple of months ago and of course, like many things, because I want the actual number of days, I can't find it.  Pay attention to the issues or the election is over before you've made up your mind.

    • It's because they pay more attention to "Dancing with the Stars" and other faux reality shows instead of focusing on reality.

  2. I agree with Lynn. How anyone could still be undecided at this late date is incomprehensible. Of course, I have also read of a mental disorder (the name of which escapes me atm) involving inability to make a decision, which might offer a partial explanation.
    On a separate note, I was recently called a "typical liberal low-information voter" by a right-wing troll. Talk about projection!

    • John, I never would have taken you for a "typical liberal low-information voter"!  Agree, must be projection, and too much reichwingnut kool-aid!

  3. The undecideds are the same people who don't know what is going on in the world around them.

  4. I'm going to reply all at once on this one.  A few years back I was watching a local reporter doing "man in the street" interviews a couple days before the election.  She asked one guy why he was undecided, and he said that the night before elections, he reads the Oregon Voters Handbook, which tells him everything he needs to know.  The handbook is a collection of paid articles for candidates and for and against ballot measures.  In short, the guy was an idiot.  That's why we still have undecided voters.

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