Welcome Back Barack!

 Posted by at 9:57 am  Editorial, Politics
Oct 172012


Two weeks ago a stranger showed up to debate Willard Romney, and I have to say that I was worried that the stranger might return.  My concern was in vain.  Barack is back!  After last night, I may have to change my nickname for Romney, Lord Willard, to Lord Lunch.  After providing you with the complete video of the debate, in case you missed it or wish to review it, I shall share some of my own observations.

First, here is the complete video.

If you prefer text, here is the transcript.

Romney arrived with an Etch-a-Sketch in each hand, and trotted out a cavalcade of lies, very similar to the list he inflicted on America during the first debate.  This time, Obama came loaded for skunk, and he bagged one.  Instead of letting Romney get away with his lies, Obama called him on them.  Here are just a few of the lies.  Romney said that fewer people are working today than there were before Obama took office, when there are more now.  The difference would be much larger but for the huge losses that occurred during the first six months, before any of Obama’s policies had gone into effect.  Romney said he appreciates wind energy jobs, when he had recently called them phantom jobs.  Romney said energy production on public land has decreased.  It has increased.  Romney said all women should have access to contraceptive care.  He has been campaigning on the exact opposite.  Romney said Obama doubled the deficit.  He has not.  Romney said automatic weapons are illegal.  They used to be, but Bush refused to renew the ban.  Romney actually said that self-deportation is just allowing people to make their own choices.  Ha!  Romney said he would crack down on China.  Not only did he object, when Obama did so, but also, cracking down on China would cost Willard a small fortune.

Romney even lied about asking for binders full of women.  He did not.  The binders full of women were prepared by MassGAP, a bipartisan group of women who wanted to address the lack of women in cabinet positions.  They did this and provided information to both parties before the election.  Then they presented the binders to Romney, upon his election.  The hype that Romney recognized the inequity and ordered the hunt to find qualified women is pure garbage!

Romney’s only strong point was that he succeeded of making himself appear competent on the economy by failing to answer any specifics about what he will cut.  It seems that some people are willing to assume being in business gives him the know-how, and to take it on faith

Romney was so must more aggressive than before, that Obama appeared to be defending himself from a bully, as indeed he was.  Romney also tried to bowl over Candy Crowley and looked very foolish when she put him in his place.

There were two high points.  When Romney said Obama had not called the Benghazi attack an act of terror and confronted Obama, Obama said “Please proceed”.  I knew that Romney was toast.  Romney was caught with his fingers on the Etch-a-Sketch.  Obama finished by pinning Romney’s avowed disrespect for 47% of Americans on him.

I’m not the only one calling this an Obama victory.  All the polls said Obama won, except Fox.  When the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, calls it a ‘split decision’, you know it was a disaster for Republicans.

Welcome back, Barack!


  18 Responses to “Welcome Back Barack!”

  1. Last night's debate was a joy to watch. I laughed almost as much as Joe Biden did during his debate with Lyin' Ryan.
    Rmoney's sneer was pasted on his face almost all night long. But that sneer got wiped off his face when he got caught on the Beghazi attack by Candy Crowley and when our Prez threw the 47% at him, while enumerating who we are. 
    What a great night!!!

  2. My concern was in vain. Barack is back!

    I was never worried and as I expected, President Obama gave Willard an a$$ kicking in factual information and showed absolute leadership in doing so… 🙂

  3. Romney got his lying ass kicked to China– By a Gentleman!!– What fun it was to watch–!!

  4. I think I can boil Mittnocchio's election plan down to three main points:

    [1] There are a lot of bad things happening
    [2] I have no answers to ANY of them
    [3] Elect me

    The Rmoneybots apparently didn't get the Memo that if you all you have are whiny complaints about the Moderator … YOU LOST!
    Candy Is Dandy – So Mitter Is Bitter

  5. Love the post, and agreed, welcome back Barack.  We sorely missed you, and I'm still worried you pissed away the election because you took the first debate off.
    Anyway, minor correction.  Romney did not lie about automatic weapons being illegal.  They are, that was a tommy-gun 30's era law passed to make it tougher on gangsters.  What you mean to say is that Bush refused to renew the assault weapons ban, which covers specialized *semi* automatic weapons.

    • Welcome, SD. 🙂


      One thing on that, while one cannot go out and buy a machine gun, both semi-automatic weapons and kits to make them fully automatic are legal and available, making the possession of automatic weapons legal.

  6. Thanks, Tom, for the link to Massgap,  I read it and shared it on Fb to my incredible dumb Repub. friends.

  7. One thing that I became aware of while listening to the debate was the frequency with which Romney used the phrase “I know what it takes to . . .” or very similarly worded phrases.  Here are the ones I noted from about the first half of the debate.
    I know what it takes to get an economy to work.
    I know what it takes to create good jobs again.
    I know what it takes to make sure that you have the kind of opportunity you deserve.
    I know what it takes to bring them [jobs] back, …
    I know how to make that [small business growth] happen.
    I know what it takes to balance budgets.
    I know what it takes to make an economy work,
    I know what a working economy looks like.
    I understand how hard it is to start a small business.
    I know how to make that [jobs] happen.
    Romney “…I want to make sure we keep our Pell grant program growing. …” — Funny, I thought that Lyin’ Ryan had dropped Pell Grants from his budget.  And of course Romney is on record of previously saying “Ask your parents for the money.”
    ROMNEY: 2014. When you come out in 2014, I presume I’m going to be president. I’m going to make sure you get a job. Thanks Jeremy. Yeah, you bet. — This so empty, insincere, and an out right lie because he won’t remember Jeremy in 2 years.
    Had had heard that the debate damn near came to fisticuffs but I didn’t see that.  Certainly both men at times seemed frustrated, and the limited time didn’t help that.  Mr Obama was forceful this time around, while Romney was too often his lying, belligerent self.
    Romney was caught in some lies and didn’t appreciate that.  Well then he shouldn’t lie.  I’m afraid if he didn’t lie, he’d have absolutely nothing of value to say that people would listen to.
    Mr Obama clearly won.  The next debate needs to deliver the same one-two punch.
    Get out the vote!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

    • For someone who supposedly knows what it takes to do everything under the sun, he sure seems unable to tell us what it takes.  On those few issues where he has given us answers. the answers have been multiple and contradictory.

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