Obama Phones? Oh My!

 Posted by at 9:31 am  Politics
Sep 292012

Every time the Republican Party reaches a new low in overtly racist conspiracy theories, I wonder how they could possibly do anything more despicable.  I shouldn’t wonder.  They always do.  The latest is their “Obama Phones” scandal.  Lets start with the phony Republican video that started it.

29obamaphonesRomney’s dwindling army of right-wingers have their hunting vests in a bunch over a new viral video posted on the Drudge Report Thursday afternoon. The minute-long video, which has already gotten more than one million views since it was posted yesterday on YouTube, shows an African American woman in Cleveland voicing her support for President Obama because he gave her a “free phone.” As for her appearance, suffice it to say that she comes across as the living incarnation of the right wing’s stereotypical welfare citizen–which, according to Romney, is now a full 47 percent of the population.

Naturally, the right went rabid…

…Rush Limbaugh’s comments were even more scathing–sprinkled with accusations that the woman lacked basic education except for one topic: how to game the system.

“So these are the people that don’t like Romney because of what he said about the 47%? No, these are the 47%! (laughing) Yeah, I’ll play it again. These are the 47%… She knows how to get this free Obama phone. She knows everything about it. She may not know who George Washington is or Abraham Lincoln, but she knows how to get an Obama phone,” he said yesterday afternoon [Limnbarf delinked].

But it’s the right that are going to end up looking like the ignorant fools. What Limbaugh, Malzberg — and likely the majority of the million people who viewed the video — didn’t know was that these “Obama Phones” are actually a creation of their beloved Ronald Reagan, who began the program in 1984… [emphasis added]

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Isn’t that a hoot?  The so-called “Obama phones” were actually the doing of canonized and deified Republican Saint Ronnie Ray Gun.  Of course they don’t want to hear that Reagan could not be nominated as a dog catcher in today’s Republican Party.  He’s way too librul!


  6 Responses to “Obama Phones? Oh My!”

  1. Both Think Progress and Fact Check have excellent documentation WRT the Wingnuts' lunacy over their manufactured outrage about "The Obama Phone"

  2. What a crock!  I guess the Republican/Teabagger desperation is hitting new highs.  Manufacturing a scandal to distract from existing GOP scandals, which are numerous!

    Get out the vote!!!!!     Four more years!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

  3. I love it! The Obama phones are actually Reagan phones. Thank you St. Ronnie!

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