Willard’s Top Ten

 Posted by at 9:06 am  Politics
Sep 092012

It’s hard to remember any political endeavor that even approaches the current Republican campaign in dishonesty and hypocrisy.  That makes it a daunting task to choose the ten most hypocritical acts of Romney and his minions.  Mark Howard has done an admirable job assembling that task.

9romney-hypocriteModern Republicans give us an opportunity to peer into the soul of a party that has embraced an open aversion to the truth. Meanwhile, their hypocrisy has reached historic proportions. It’s as if they have lost the ability to recognize the obvious contradictions they put forth. Or, more likely, they just don’t care, since lies and hypocrisy are an efficient way to score political points and smear opponents.  The hyper-hypocrisy of today’s GOP has spread through the party’s bloodstream. Below is a sampling of the most recent examples of rank right-wing hypocrisy.

1. Romney has promised that his first action on day one of a Romney administration would be to repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Of course, he wouldn’t have any authority to do that and attempting to pass legislation in congress would get stopped short in the Democratic-controlled senate. However, he may want to have a discussion with his running mate. It was recently disclosed that  Paul Ryan quietly applied for funding for a Wisconsin healthcare clinic in his district. The funds would come entirely from the Affordable Care Act that Ryan and Romney now propose to repeal.

2. In an interview on the Bill Bennett radio show, Mitt Romney  lashed out at what he considered to be false ads by a pro-Obama super PAC. In the course of his tirade he lamented that “in the past, when people pointed out that something was inaccurate, why, campaigns pulled the ad.” Romney said this even as he refused to pull his own ads that had been rated “Pants-on-Fire” lies by  PolitiFact. Subsequently, the Romney campaign decided to  abandon any pretense to honesty and declare that fact-checkers had “jumped the shark,” and that they would no longer “let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.” In other words, we will lie if we feel like it… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

Photo credit: The Political Carnival

I only provided two of the ten, so I urge you to click through for the other eight.  Every American voter should understand them.

Of one thing, I am certain.  Before the day is over, the Republican War on Truth will have moved some of these off the list with fresh assaults.


  19 Responses to “Willard’s Top Ten”

  1. Well just this morning multipe choice Romney says he will keep some of Obama care if elected.  lol

  2. However, he may want to have a discussion with his running mate. It was recently disclosed that Paul Ryan quietly applied for funding for a Wisconsin healthcare clinic in his district.

    The G-NO-P has only lies and nothing else…

  3. Romney is not going to take Florida. 40,000 people – average citizens all – turned out to see Obama on Saturday in central Florida.

    What fairly intelligent member of the middle class actually like the Republican message of no education, no opportunity, lowered pay, firing all government workers, putting a woman’s body into the hands of the GOP, and starving granny? How could they not lose?

  4. I posted the entire Alternet article to Facebook.  Bet I get "unfriended" by a few tomorrow, but I don't care.  If one person reads this and decides to vote for Obama, it will be worth it.

  5. 1. Romney has promised that his first action on day one of a Romney administration would be to repeal Obama's Affordable Care Act. — I heard on the car radio today that Romney would keep parts of Obamacare like the pre-existing conditions clause.  But of course he'd ditch others.  I was laughing so hard I almost had an accident.  Romneycare was instituted in Massachusetts; the Democrats modeled Obamacare after Romneycare; the Republicans don't like Obamacare so they will repeal on day 1 (which they can't do); now Romney is pledging to keep parts of it.  Well which way is it?   2. The Romney campaign decided to abandon any pretense to honesty and declare . . .  that they would no longer “let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.” — Romney went after what he considered a false ad by a pro-Obama Super PAC, and then said he would not pull a false pro-Romney Super PAC ad.  To use Romney's phrase "Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose!"   3. Ann Romney . . . told women, “You are the best of America. You are the hope of America. There would not be an America without you.” — Well if the women of America are so good, so important, what are the Republican/Teabaggers going to do for them?  Apparently not contraception!  Apparently not easy access to medical screenings etc at low cost through Planned Parenthood!  And apparently not abortions in the case of rape or incest.  In fact Romney will give them a constitutional amendment banning abortion.  Period.   4. Most of the criticism of Todd Akin's statement about rape and pregnancy was directed at the harm Akin caused to the GOP’s prospects of winning the seat, rather than to the offensive views he articulated. — Just further indication that the Republican/Teabaggers are in full combat mode in the war on women!  More concerned about winning than the rights of women.    5. Romney and Fox responded by accusing the president of wanting to make it more difficult for soldiers to vote — Yea, and if anyone read the suit which I posted in another thread, they would realise that was not the case.  Obama won and now the Ohio AG is going to defy the court order.  I love how they flaunt the law when it suits them.  As the Queen of Hearts said in Alice in Wonderland, "Off with their heads!"   6. Mitt Romney’s problems with his financial records  — Hey Romney, where are the rest of your tax returns?  Oh and those off shore accounts, when are you closing yours?  I was assuming you were since you want large corporations to do the same.  "Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose!"   7. Are you better off now than you were four years ago?. — This one is hysterically funny!  Inside the same interview, Romney says things are better than 4 years ago, but later in the interview said that Mr Obama made the economy worse.  I do believe that Romney must have a split personality.  My evidence — the number of flip-flops he does, even within the same interview.   8. The killing of Osama bin Laden — Romney would not enter an allied country to get bin Laden, but asked if he would make the same decision as Mr Obama, he replied “Anybody would have made that call.”.  Mr Flip-Flop strikes again!   9. The auto industry bailout — After saying "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" , he tried to claim some credit for the bailout's success.  Mr Flip-Flop strikes again!   10. Romney once made an unwavering commitment never to force his beliefs on others — That's why he wants a constitutional ban on all abortions.  So does this mean that Romney does NOT believe in the constitution?   Another thing that I heard on the car radio tonight was Romney promising NOT to raise people's taxes!  No qualifiers!  And it was his voice!  Again, I was laughing so hard I almost had another accident!   What the hell is going on in that man's mind?  Oh, I forgot the message stamped on his forehead:  Large empty space for rent!   How anyone can respect this man as a potential POTUS is beyond me.  He is completely incapable of the most basic aspects of the job.  He and the Republican/Teabaggers would bring the country to its knees such the country would likely not walk again!

  6. Excellent portrait of Candidate Rmoney!  Maybe the RepublicanTs will wake up to his lies before the election. I've gotten a few to listen to me finally.

  7. Lynn, I apologize, but I had to delete your comment.  We can't reproduce the whole article without violating their © to the article.

    • Oh, I thought I was commenting on each of the points, giving a reference point so people (including me) would understand.  So much for being organised.  Was not trying to plagarise at all or break any copyright.  Sorry TC.  Amended by comments to things I heard on the radio.

  8. I heard on the car radio today that Romney would keep parts of Obamacare like the pre-existing conditions clause. But of course he'd ditch others. I was laughing so hard I almost had an accident. Romneycare was instituted in Massachusetts; the Democrats modeled Obamacare after Romneycare; the Republicans don't like Obamacare so they want to repeal on day 1; now Romney is pledging to keep parts of it. Well which way is it?
    Another thing that I heard on the car radio tonight was Romney promising NOT to raise people's taxes! No qualifiers to the statement! And it was his voice! Again, I was laughing so hard I almost had another accident! What the hell is going on in that man's mind? Oh, I forgot the message stamped on his forehead: Large empty space for rent!

    How anyone can respect this man as a potential POTUS is beyond me. He is completely incapable of the most basic aspects of the job. He and the Republican/Teabaggers would bring the country to its knees such that the country would likely not walk again!

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