Aug 112012

I remember that Pat Robertson once ‘prophesied’ that God would smite Orlando with a hurricane, because Disney World ended hiring discrimination against LGBT people.  The next hurricane to make landfall damaged Robertson’s HQ in Virginia beach.  You have to hand it to God.  She has a wonderful sense of humor.  It taught Robertson nothing.  This is how Robertson’s Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, who have absolutely nothing in common with authentic Christians, see our right to freedom of speech.  We should shut up.


Yesterday on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson said that activists who don’t want Chick-fil-A on their college campus due to the company’s anti-gay advocacy should keep quiet: “I defy these homosexuals to bring forth a baby from that part of the anatomy which they concentrate on, when that happens I will change everything I’m saying; until that happens, I wish those demonstrators would shut their mouth.” Robertson warned that legal abortion and homosexuality are violations of God’s law and are “the reasons why land will vomit out its inhabitants.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Picture Credit: CBS

Here’s the video:

I defy Pat Robertson to bring forth a baby from that part of the anatomy where he stores his head. Where? He can see his tonsils from the bottom.


  16 Responses to “Pseudo-Christian Free Speech”

  1. Pat has been getting more and more senile ; always has been obsessed with sexuality- esp that of others—Fake Christian–thinks he makes God's judgments —

  2. Why is this person not in a nursing home? He is obviously suffering from dementia and is living in his own mind (self-delusional, self-aggrandisement). He speaks for God…how delusional is that?
    His hate of everything and everyone that is NOT his form of 'Christian' (which is pretty much everyone who is not a Teabagging GOPer) is gonna bring him nothing but a whole lotta bad Karma.
    He'll be back….many times. All I can hope for is he comes back as the very things/people he so despises….hey….I wonder….is there such a thing as a homosexual vagina? I don't want him to get off easy now by becoming a lesbian vagina….I want him to be reborn as a gay vagina that is forced to have baby after baby after baby…..see how he likes it.  🙂

  3. GOD is going to take care of that crazy sucker one of these days, him and all the other TV preachers. They preach in terms of Godly behavior and spew hatred.  This is while they live in their mansions and keep begging for money.  

  4. Preachers like Republian/Tea Party money and power has turned them into ####@@%. 

  5. I defy these homosexuals to bring forth a baby from that part of the anatomy which they concentrate on, when that happens I will change everything I’m saying; until that happens, I wish those demonstrators would shut their mouth.”
    It is a good thing that the constitution protects the free speech of the demonstrators.  Unfortunately, it also protects Robertson's.  He is so filled with hate, and that is NOT the Christianity I practice.
    About 10 months ago, I posted a story on Care2 about Robertson's view of OWS —
    Pat Robertson: Christians Should Not Join 'Occupy Wall Street'
    In that story, Pat Robertson is calling on Christians to not be involved in OWS because he says it is a rebellion of anger. As he says "Nobody knows exactly what it is, they don’t know what they’re doing, why are they there? Well they’re just mad. Well, is it right for a Christian to get involved in a protest of anger?”  And guess what, the demonstrators against Chick-Fil-A are angry too at the bigotry, the discrimination, the outright hate spewed forth by people like Cathy and Robertson towards the LGBT community.

    As a Christian, I say horsepuckey! Christian doctrine calls on us to support the weak, the disenfranchised. It calls on us to love our neighbour (homeless, Muslim, Black, gay, immigrant, Jewish, Christian, atheist, disabled, addicted) and to seek justice for all creation. IMO, supporting and/or being active in OWS and protesting Chick-Fil-A is just what Christians are called to do. Christians are called to be active but not violent.  Are they angry? Yes, angry at the inequality, the injustice, the discrimination, the bigotry that they see all around them. While the 1%, of which Robertson is a part by definition, sip coffee or drinks in their well appointed clubs, the poor and middle class are being decimated by injustice, unaffordable healthcare, unemployment, loss of pension or the threat of loss of social security, the loss of inclusion in society, the loss of dignity and respect.
    You don't have to be Christian to be Christ like. To the non Christians in the protests, I say 'Thank you for being Christ like." To the Christians in the protests I say "Thank you for being Christ like." To the Christians not involved in the protest or who scorn it, it is time to find Christ because he is at the protest and will one day clear the temple again.   To be sure, when Christ comes to clear the temple again, people like Robertson, Cathy and others with their false piety will be thrown out of the temple.


  6. I defy these homosexuals to bring forth a baby from that part of the anatomy which they concentrate on, when that happens I will change everything I’m saying; until that happens, I wish those demonstrators would shut their mouth.”

    Republican and Tea-Baggie Sheep follow Pat Robertson… 😈

  7. What a pathetic little human being he is.

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