Jul 142012

It appears that there might be a couple days respite from the heat starting tomorrow.  I’m so ready!  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (average 5:47).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Take One Look At This Quote By Harry Truman And Let Us Know Which Side You’re On


Unless you are a millionaire, a billionaire, a corporate criminal, or a hatemonger, Republicans do NOT represent YOU!

From The Origonian: President Barack Obama will attend a Tuesday, July 24 fundraiser at the Portland Art Museum, but he apparently doesn’t plan any public events in the city that day.

The Obama campaign website is now soliciting donors to attend the event, with ticket prices ranging from $500 to $5,000 per person.

$50,000 per person is more typical for Rmoney events. Even if I could afford $500, it’s a volunteer day in prison.

From Truthdig: The Federal Reserve and the U.S. government knew back in 2008 that Barclays was filing false reports about Libor, the interest rate that international banks charge one another for short-term loans, according to documents released Friday. The documents show that a staffer at the U.K.-based bank told the New York Federal Reserve—which was then run by current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner—more than four years ago about the false reports before the admission was circulated through the federal government.

I say again, Timmy the Tool should be replaced with either Robert Reich or Paul Krugman.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–7/14/2011”

  1. Puzzle — I was on a slow boat to nowhere, no quad racing skull!
    MoveOn — Amazing how far and how quickly the Republicans have fallen from Lincoln's ideals!  When did they fall?  Must have been before the 20's.  Harry is so spot on!
    Oregon — From prices, you can sure tell who's for the people!
    Federal Reserve — By knowing about it and not doing anything about it should be a 'hanging' offence (as in career stopper) for Geitner.  Agree TC, Krugman or Reich need to be in that slot without question.
    Cartoon — I hope it gets a really bad sunburn!

    • Bad days happen.

      It's been a gradual decline for years, punctuated by a drop from a cliff.



      Dad enough to deflate.

  2. To further document Rmoney's unbridled, lunacy, he is now demanding that Pres. Obama apologize to HIM for simply speaking the truth with documented facts..
    In this hilarious photo, Pres. Obama displays his quick wit and good sense of humor using Rmoney's own words:

  3. 5:05  I didn't quite have my oar in the water today.

  4. I disagree with almost everything that RepublicanTs say and do, so I guess I'm with Harry Truman.
    Funny how the money is mostly with Rmoney yet RepublicanTs keep insisting he understands the "little people" like us.
    I can't stand Timmy either. He even looks like a Simon LeGree sort.

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