GOP Pastor: Kill the Gays!

 Posted by at 10:05 am  Politics, Religion
Jun 062012

The love and tolerance of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians never ceases to boggle my mind, not only do to the level of hatred that they spew so regularly, but also the manner in which they insist that some Old Testament piety codes be followed to the letter, while completely ignoring others in the same Biblical context.

6GOPGayHateThe pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kansas says President Barack Obama has gone too far in supporting same sex marriage and it’s time for the U.S. government to begin killing gay men and lesbians.

“Terrorists are dangerous, the economy is a real and present danger,” Pastor Curtis Knapp told his congregation on Sunday. “But there is simply nothing other than the holocaust of the unborn which imperils the safety of our country or places our people in jeopardy as does the leader of the Western world publicly raising his fist at the heavens and declaring that the bedrock institution of society, ordained of God and meant to be protected by the state, is little more than a convention of convenience with the children of Sodom to transform the meaning of something, which is precious to Jesus Christ, and a living picture of his love for the church into a legally protected justification for perversion and a vehicle of hatred aimed directly at that love.”

Knapp went on to read from Leviticus 20: “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.”

“They should be put to death,” Knapp declared. “‘Oh, so you’re saying we should go out and start killing them, no?’ — I’m saying the government should. They won’t, but they should.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Please note that this is not intended to criticize Christians in any way.  Authentic Christians are the opposite of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, in that authentic Christians are Christian.

Leviticus also imposes the death penalty for eating shellfish (11:10) and cutting the hair from the temples (19:27).  Exodus demands the death penalty for working on Saturday (35:2).  Has Pastor Knapp done any of those, and if so, when will he be presenting himself for execution?

On the plus sides, Leviticus 25:44 permits owning slaves from neighboring countries, and I still want to own a Canadian!


  18 Responses to “GOP Pastor: Kill the Gays!”

  1. “The pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Seneca, Kansas says President Barack Obama has gone too far in supporting same sex marriage and it’s time for the U.S. government to begin killing gay men and lesbians.”

    I think it’s now time to tax the church… 🙂

    • Richard, I disagree.  Tax exempt status needs to be determined by the actions of each individual entity.  Many churches deserve it.

  2. As I was reading this,  a thought came to mind.  This yahoo,  Pastor Curtis Knapp, says “…there is simply nothing other than the holocaust of the unborn which imperils the safety of our country …” which of couse is about abortion.  This idiot would outlaw abortion only to turn around and kill members of the LGBT community that might have been part of the saved unborn.

    God created people in God’s likeness — blonde or brunette, blue eyes or brown, fat or thin, short or tall, homosexual or heterosexual — no matter, all are created in God’s image.  Being gay is not a learned behaviour that can be prayed away or washed away.  God loves wondrous variety! 

    A ‘convention of convenience’?  Let’s talk about the  convention of convenience employed by these fanatical rightwing nut religious zealots.  How convenient that this Pastor doesn’t honour all of the rules of Leviticus including those rules about lying with a woman, presumably his wife, when she is ritually unclean during her monthly courses.  Or as TC has highlighted … Leviticus also imposes the death penalty for eating shellfish (11:10) and cutting the hair from the temples (19:27).  Exodus demands the death penalty for working on Saturday (35:2).  Has Pastor Knapp done any of those, and if so, when will he be presenting himself for execution?

    If one interprets the Bible literally, the meaning is lost.  For example, working on a Saturday is a no-no.  So Pastor Knapp, no more Saturday weddings or funerals because that means you are working on the designated Sabbath!  But for the Jews of the Hebrew Scripture aka Old Testament, the Sabbath was Saturday.  For Christians, the Sabbath is Sunday.

    I am a Christian, and I find this bigotry and hate intolerable.  This Pastor Knapp is a pseudo Xtian, one that twists all meaning to his own convenience — FUBAR!

    • Lynn, for Supply-side pseudo-Christians, the right to life begins at conception and ends at birth.

      The Sabbath is Saturday for everyone.  The meaning of sabbath is seventh day.  Sunday is the first day of the week.

  3. It is past time to Tax The Churches— This makes me sick–; – James tells us .’ their works ye shall know them..’. that is Christians- ; This “Pastor” preaches Evil … What shall he be called , since he certainly is not preaching from the work and words of Jesus the Christ- It is time ..past time.. to call these pseudo-Christians what they are-   Preachers of Evil—I ask now why– if our Christianity is indeed authentic- what is keeping us from openly  confronting so call Preachers-? Seems like  we are also afraid of them—The Devil quotes Scripture– This man and others like him do the work of the Devil–  IMHO-

  4. TEABAGGER = Totally Enraged About Blacks And Gays Getting Equal Rights

    If all these Talibangelical christianists are so damn sure that Gays offend God and they’ll burn in Hell – then why do they want to persecute them on Earth, too?  Don’t they trust in their God?  Have a little faith, you hate-mongering bigots.


    • Nameless, love the anogram for Teabagger!  Excellent!

      And your comment, right on!

    • Nameless, the anagram is priceless.  I may make it a cartoon one day.

      • I’d be honored – but I saw something similar, so I can’t claim sole ownership.  (And on a “Nit-Picking” note – and for accuracy – I should point out it’s an Acronym [first letters of a phrase form a word], and not a anagram [letters of a word are jumbled].)

  5. I agree with taxing the churches – they have gotten away with this bullshit for far too long.  And what the good “Pastor” is saying is hate speach – if one of his congregants goes out and murders an LGBT person, he could find himself in jail for hate speech. Wouldn’t that be a damned shame?

  6. It always amazes me how these people take one verse from the Bible to make their stand.  I think they must not have read about the people Jesus seemed to love the best.

  7. Strange, I thought Adolf Hitler was dead.  I must have been wrong.

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