Romney Lied about Solyndra

 Posted by at 10:14 am  Politics
Jun 012012

Needless to say, the contraindications between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will be thick as Banksters on a penny from now until the election.  However, in the back and forth a pattern has already developed.  Obama’s negative statements about Romney have been true and easy to document.  Romney’s negative statements about Obama have been lies, and the that they are lies is easy to document.

1solyndra…I suppose it’s my duty to weigh in on Mitt Romney’s new stimulus-bashing ad [Rmoney delinked] –apparently part of a new stimulus-bashing campaign–because it’s not just a rehash of the same old bogus charges. It’s added a brand new bogus charge that perfectly captures the up-is-down stimulus debate.

Most of the ad is typical schadenfreude about Solyndra, along with three other stimulus-funded clean-energy companies that have run into problems. For the umpteenth time: Some of these companies will fail. That’s capitalism. That’s lending. That’s life. As one Obama aide told me: Some students who get Pell grants are going to end up drunks on the street. I’ve written about this before, and I’ll write about it again, but so far there have been fewer Solyndra-type failures than Congress expected. The Energy Department’s controversial loan program has billions in excess reserves. The stimulus did not just promote one company or one technology or one pathway towards a clean-energy economy; it invested in all kinds of alternatives to fossil fuels, so they could battle it out in the marketplace. And for what it’s worth, the Bush Administration was gung-ho about the Solyndra loan, too.

It was a line near the end of Romney’s ad that caught my attention: “The Inspector General said contracts were steered to ‘friends and family.’” That sounded like news. I’ve spent two years in stimulus-world, and I had no idea an inspector general had said that. I asked the Romney campaign for documentation, and it produced a Newsweek article asserting that Energy Department inspector general Gregory Friedman “has testified that contracts have been steered to ‘friends and family.’”

Except that Newsweek article was an excerpt from the book “Throw Them All Out,” written by Peter Schweizer, a right-winger who has served as an adviser to Sarah Palin’s PAC, edited one of Andrew Breitbart’s websites, and written a slew of books portraying liberals as pond scum. Not exactly a disinterested source. And it turns out that the inspector general never testified that stimulus contracts were steered to friends and family… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TIME>

Rachel Maddow covered this lie in detail. She wanders all over the place on the way to the story, but I left it in, because it’s a fascinating journey.

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So once again we have a case pf projection: Rmoney lying to accuse Obama of the crimes and corruption that Rmoney committed himself.


  10 Responses to “Romney Lied about Solyndra”

  1. In psychological jargon : a defense mechanism=Projection , a paranoid defense , it is absolutely amazing how much Romney seems to rely on this —

    Romney lies as easy as as he  opens his mouth and as often–Seems that is the GOP/Tea Bag  MO– lie and repeat the lies-

    For your consideration in evaluating Romney utterances

    ;Reaction formation reduces anxiety by taking up the opposite feeling, impulse or behavior. An example of reaction formation would be treating someone you strongly dislike in an excessively friendly manner in order to hide your true feelings. Why do people behave this way? According to Freud, they are using reaction formation as a defense mechanism to hide their true feelings by behaving in the exact opposite manner.

  2. I feel defeated by the machinations of the right wing.  I feel that Obama may not win because of all the gerrymandering and voter purges going on in republican run states.  Here is an observation about the republican voters.  If Romney took a high powered rifle at noon on a week day  to Times Square and just randomly started shooting into the crowd, Republicans would spin it as not a big deal, or as Obama’s fault.  It does not matter what Romney does or who he is, they want the win and the ends justify the means, no matter how awful. No idea is too big or important that it can’t be subverted in the interest of hurting one’s fellow man (government workers, for example), which is what seems to pass for a great deal of entertainment on the right.  There are a lot of them, too – and I just will never understand why.

  3. Has RMoney been going to “spin classes”? I’m surprised he doesn’t make himself dizzy.

  4. Liar!  Liar!  Pants on fire!  I’m surprised that Rmoney hasn’t been arrested for indecent exposure!

    We need to campaign for projection rejection!  Let’s call a spade a spade, and scat scat!  The Republican/Teabaggers are full of it!

    Unfortunately, Rmoney is a pathological liar and is spreading and repeating lies   like a case of the plague.  The only way to defeat this contagion is with the truth and facts in copious quantities.

    • What boggles my mind is that his lies are so obvious, that debunking them is child’s play.

      • No kidding!  Why is that?  Does the Rmoney campaign, or the Republican/Teabaggers for that matter too, think they have the election ‘in the bag’ so that the truth is of little consequence or necessity?  Has the Republican/Teabagger Revolution already started?

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