Apr 182012

The most common excuse Republicans have used in a vain attempt to justify their thwarting the Senate majority on the Buffet Rule is that, according to them, $47 billion in revenues is too small an amount to be worth it.  John Stewart pointed out the utter hypocrisy in this Republican lie.

18ThuneHatYou remembered to file your taxes, right? They were due yesterday. Good. On last night’s episode of “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart discussed the Buffet Rule that senate Democrats have decided to bring to a vote. The rule ensures that people earning over $1 million annually will pay an effective tax rate of at least 30% including investment income.

Republicans were able to filibuster the Buffet rule and block it from coming to the floor for a debate and vote, claiming that the tax hike would “raise a mere pittance in the scope of federal budgets.”

But $300 million to Planned Parenthood is still too much money while $47 billion from America’s wealthiest is inconsequential apparently. Here’s the video from “The Daily Show.”


Quick side note, how awesome would a Zombie Reagan be? I can’t even imagine. Anyway…

“Senator Thune is pointing out that the Buffet Rule would only raise $47 billion over the next 10 years,” said Stewart. “The point is $4.7 billion per year isn’t worth the trouble.”

But $363 million to Planned Parenthood is suddenly a gigantic funding issue… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <BostInno>

Once again we have proof that Republicans govern exclusively for millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals.  They do NOT represent YOU!


  8 Responses to “John Stewart Lampoons GOP on Buffet Rule”

  1. It sure would go a long way towards health care.

  2. Yep- what a screwy world they live in—– what twisted thinking—  Unreal sometimes–

  3. I watched this the other night and he really blasted into Thune.

  4. I was finally able to watch Jon Stewart without too much difficulty — only took 45 minutes instead of the usual hour and a half.

    These Republican/Teabaggers have their priorities so screwed up!

    ““Senator Thune is pointing out that the Buffet Rule would only raise $47 billion over the next 10 years,” said Stewart. “The point is $4.7 billion per year isn’t worth the trouble.”

    But $363 million to Planned Parenthood is suddenly a gigantic funding issue…”

    Well Senator Thune, if $47 billion is such a pittance and not worth the trouble, why are you arguing?  And if $363 million for Planned Parenthood is such a big expenditure, what do you call the expediture for an illegal war of agression in Iraq?  You need to get your priorities straight!  Stop goose-stepping and start thinking if you’re capable of that.  I have another suggestion, let’s divert the salaries and perks paid to the GOP law makers to help pay for medicare, medicaid and social security.  You’re good at telling others what to do, now let’s see how good you are at taking directions from the American public, ALL the public, not just your corporate cronies and 1%ers!

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