Jan 312012

Yesterday, I wrote a letter to the Parole Board on behalf of one of the prisoners I serve.  I also worked on the website of the non-profit group behind my prison activities.  I made a big kettle of rice and beans.  It is responsible for the green cloud that proves I support green energy.  I’m current with replies.  Today I plan to get a haircut.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:43 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From realrepubs.com: Who wants to build a risky, dirty 1,700 mile oil pipeline across America’s heartland? Big Oil and their lobbyists, that’s who. Guess who else? Their political puppets.

The Republican presidential candidates have a lot to say about how much they love the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. But there’s a few crucial facts that just don’t seem to come out of their mouths. They don’t say that the pipeline is hauling highly toxic crude over some of our nation’s most critical water sources. They fail to mention how the first Keystone pipeline caused fourteen oil spills since 2010. And they NEVER say how much money Big Oil companies have given their campaigns.


Hat-Tip: CaityJ (aka Caitlin)

There can be no doubt that one party, with exceptions, opposes Keystone XL, and one demands it.

From The Onion: WAR FOR THE WHITE HOUSE!!! Diebold accidently leaks 2012 election results


The reality behind this issue is what makes the clip effective satire.

From PRWatch: South Carolina is again considering a bill from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to limit access to the ballot box. A nearly identical version of an ALEC voting bill is moving through the state Senate and comes on the heels of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) blocking South Carolina’s ALEC-inspired voter ID law as discriminatory against people of color.

It appears that there is nothing Republicans won’t do to steal the votes of students, workers, the elderly, the disabled, and especially minorities.




  13 Responses to “Open Thread–1/31/2012”

  1. 3:21 It looks like my little Silly. She’s always sticking her tongue out too.

    Big Oil has undoubtedly pumped a lot of dirty money into their coffers.

    Love The Onion!

    ALEC will continue to promote voter suppression right up until Election Day.

  2. Let me see if I got this straight:
    Repubicans want to build a Canadian-owned pipeline …
    Using steel made in India
    Constructed by temporarily employed Mexican workers…
    Endangering OUR nation’s largest aquifer …
    So Canada can make money shipping that oil to China.
    And the GOP response to this lunacy?  Altogether now, “USA – USA – USA!”
    • And here I thought the toxic sludge would go to Koch Industries in Corpus Christie and they would sell it on the market!  The oil going to China is supposed to follow the Northern Gateway, pollute pristine northern rain forest before it spills into the north Pacific along the BC coastline on its way to China!

      Damn, it is so hard to keep straight.

  3. Kermit and Miss Piggy had a great News Conference defending their new movie “The Muppets”  (a must-see) against the recent bashing by Faux New. 
    Last month, Eric Bolling did a segment on his Fox Business show warning his audience about the dangerous liberal messages allegedly embedded in the new Muppets movie. A graphic shown during the segment asked, “Are Liberals Trying To Brainwash Your Kids Against Capitalism?”:
    And of course the best line goes to Miss Piggy: “It’s almost as laughable as accusing Fox News as, you know, being news.”
    You can view the YouTube video and read the transcript here: http://mediamatters.org/blog/201201300003
    • Miss Piggy is smarter than Hannity and O’Lielly combined.

      • . . . and don’t forget the talking head, Sanctimonius Santorum!  She is smarter than all three combined.  Maybe we should start a campaign “Miss Piggy for President!”  After all, the precedent of an actor as President has already been set by the GOP no less!  They wouldn’t dare object.

  4. 3:34  Patty wins….AGAIN!

  5. Puzzle — Well I did ok but over the average.  I think I got caught up in the cuteness factor!  Reminds me of what Susanne R on Care2 said when I mentioned my 3 cats groom me by licking my hair which BTW is shorter than their fur — she called it “cat lick brain stimulation therapy!”  

    Love the “Sockettes”!  They remind me of people I’ve seen recently.  Is there one in their number than looks like our PM Haroer?  He is going full bore ahead with the Northern Gateway project which will take a pipeline across pristine northern rain forest to the Pacific coast; load onto super tankers for a perilous journey to the open ocean; and then by some accounts down the coast to Corpus Christie and the Koch brothers, and by others to China.  He is as thick and toxic as tarsands oil!  I hope you guys will help us fight this travesty of justice for the planet!

    The Onion — Sometimes it feels so eerily true with all the money from the corporate non-persons making its way into the GOP coffers, particularly, but also the Democratic coffers too.  Just makes me want to weep!

    Very well done!

    ALEC —- SC again!  Why didn’t you let this bunch of rabble seceede from the Union when you had the chance?  It would have saved a lot of trougle 151 years later!  I think the whole state needs a tin foil hat!  Look at all the energy and time they use to disenfranchise the voters!  You’d think they could get more accomplished by playing nice in the sand box!

    Cartoon — Sorry TC.  I must be a little dim from the past day but I don’t get it.  Florida wants the GOP circus out of there? . . . but they are a Republican/Teabagger state.

    • We do have our uses.

      Harper’s harlots age getting as bad as Republicans.

      They wanted to take too much of the country with them.  I say send them all to AZ and put a fence around it.

      You understood it perfectly.

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