Jun 122011

As a rule, Republicans aren’t real big on that librul skience stuff, so their denial on such obvious matters as climate change and the notion that oil and gulf water do not mix well is expected.  Their latest affliction with insaniTEA has Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians implying that the environmentalists’ intent is to kill off 95% of the human race.


…Last time Beisner was on Fischer’s program, Beisner said that the deadly tornadoes in the American South were “little tastes” of God’s judgment. Yesterday, the two discussed how they believe environmentalists are earth-worshippers who are deliberately destroying the economy and that climate change is a myth, lauding Rick Santorum for calling global warming a “patently absurd,” liberal plot.

Fischer asked Beisner if the environmental movement wanted a return “into dark paganism” and Beisner agreed, saying that the end-game of environmentalism “would require the disappearance of about 95% of the human race.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

No, I would not make such an absurd accusation without evidence.

If Republicans had half a brain, they would start collecting shittim wood.


  8 Responses to “Republican Environmental Hogwash”

  1. I suppose if an environmentalist wants 95% of the human race gone it is better than the 100% of the human race that them who continue to pour tons of greenhouse gasses into the environment every day want. Do they not care that we have melted enough of the ice caps and permafrost that now the earth is releasing more and more meyhane into the atmosphere and with the raise in temperature more and more water vvapor is mixing in the stratosphere which causes more and deadlier weather events? Or is the money that no one will be left to spend more important than life itself? Again I refer you to my first post of the day.

  2. Pity no-one told them that when the 95% of humans are removed there will be no-one left to shovel their shit for them.

    Oh I forgot…….its us ‘Dark Pagans’ that will be the 5% left isn’t it……………Or have I done a republican on that assumption? Gone ass over apex in an effort to twist the truth for the corpo-rape-tions benefit. Don’t want them losing their inedible money now do we?

    • Welcome Kev.

      My thinking is that, if anything wipes put 95% of humanity, it will be the environmental degradation brought by the GOBP.

  3. Paganiism? They are digging themselves a very deep hole and hopefully they won’t get out of it.

  4. It’s not the Pagans that’s the problem, it’s the Moneyists!

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